Constant dripping wears away the stone, after this exchange, the Directors of ARD and ZDF are fighting for the increase of the broadcasting contribution after 2020. So far, in the discussion of the ARD-Director Ulrich Wilhelm into the game brought a proposal to the coupling of the contribution rate to the inflation. Be ZDF-colleague, Thomas Bellut speaks also for an increase in the funding for ARD, ZDF and Germany radio, “a moderate extent”. Whether it will, in the future, an Index model was a decision for the country, he told the German press Agency (dpa). “We are open and ready to talk. But it is clear, without a contribution adjustment, the level of quality is not.“

New base value for the calculation of the licence fee, the Bellut now in the debate has brought and is significantly higher than the 17.50 euros, which are currently collected per household on a monthly basis. The actual base value, however, in 18,35 Euro, calculated on the ZDF-chief. “Because we may currently use the reserve, which was created after the changeover to the broadcast fee, the fee is according to our calculation, real already 18,35 Euro,” said Bellut. “So this is the real basis of value. Anything less would be a clear cut which could be due to large savings in the program provided.“

reserves in billions of euros-height

In the first three years after the conversion of the licence fee for the year 2013 of the device-based GEZ-payments to the applicable flat fees, according to a report by the Commission for determination of financial requirements (KEF), in the meantime, almost 1.6 billion euros more revenue. The transmitter will receive the funds according to the KEF allocated to need, and the funds from 2013 to 2016, first in blocked accounts were stored. Only since the beginning of the current fees period, the reserves in the applicable demand plan.

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With the Inflation of the radio increases contribution Sheikh solution

Joachim Huber

Is taken into account, the ZDF Director Bellut said sum of 18,35 Euro, there has been already a de facto adjustment of the fees. While a part of the Federal States (including Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg) tend to Wilhelm’s proposal for a compensation for inflation, voting other countries because of the high reserves for fees stability beyond 2020. The Bellut-a proposal might suggest between the Bearings, at least a temporary bridge. His basis is accepted value, it could be raised by the licence fee, without the difcult to estimate the development of the inflation rate. The end result is more money were to be channels in the new fee period. In any case, the ZDF has sparked Director fees discussion shortly before the end of the year. Kurt Sagatz