“Drönarjakten: Police ask uthängt couple sorry”

“The couple was suspected to have caused the big jam at London Gatwick with the drones get an apology from the police, reports the BBC.”

“the Pair – a 47-year-old man and a 54-year-old woman who lives in the vicinity of the airport – was arrested after a tip from the public. They hung out with the name and picture of the british tabloidtidningar and in a front page was a large heading “

“I’m very sorry for what he has lived through and the ill feeling it brought,” says Giles York, chief at police in Sussex, at the same time as he argues that the arrests were justified there and then.”

“the Man has a hobbyintresse for modellhelikoptrar.”

“the Police have not yet found any other suspect. The airport has previously announced a reward of the equivalent of around half a million dollars for crucial tips.”