murder cases in the Albanian community in Switzerland and elsewhere in Western Europe are often brought reflex with the blood of revenge. After the homicide in the Zurich RUTI, the speech was quickly of blood revenge. That sounds very exotic. Anyone who reads the word blood revenge or listens to slip to suddenly straight into the sinister Balkan middle ages, of 15. Century, where it is full of fairies, witches, and armed men in wait. An image by the Swiss painter Frank Buchser from 1884, bears the title “Albanese on the lookout”. The Albanians with the the sun yellowish discolored qeleshe, the traditional head covering is called, sits on a meadow of Flowers, and the shining sword lies in the folds of the fustanella-called men rocks. The man is all ears. He will soon take revenge? A caravan plunder? Travelers attack? The imagination is limitless.

The blood feud (gjakmarrja) is the Albanian Kanun, the custom governed rights. Whoever kills someone intentionally or negligently, must expect that he will be killed by the victim’s family. The shame is expiated, according to the Kanun by the revenge. But there are strict standards. Children, women, religious dignitaries, the mentally ill, are excluded the elderly from the revenge. Blood revenge is a thing of the men. After a murder, the spiral of revenge and counter-revenge, turns to a pastor or well-respected persons, between families or tribes, and a reconciliation can be achieved. This can also be done, if the conflict parties have paid the same blood. You can also call it a Balance of the blood.

Merksprüche from the people’s mouth

The Kanun is often called the law of the mountains. The Ottoman Empire was in the Albanian highlands is barely present. In the absence of the state, the people developed an unwritten legal system. In a written Form, the Kanun appeared only in 1933, after the Kosovo-born Franciscan priest Shtjefën Gjeçovi had for years collected the Merksprüche from the people’s mouth. In the plains of the Albanian-speaking area in the Balkans, where the Sultan with his officers, cavalrymen, and place holders for law and order made, was of 1263 paragraphs comprehensive Kanun hardly or at most only temporarily.

the Albanian self is not Eradicated justice until today. But it is by no means a mass phenomenon, as in the local media sometimes headlines will be claimed. Cases of blood-revenge, there are still, especially in the Catholic North of Albania. Local media frequently report harrowing fates: men who are locked up for years in their homes, boys are only taught occasionally at home, women have to do all the work outside the house.

Nothing to lose

According to a BBC report from November 2017 are not able to leave in the city of Shkodra and the surrounding area with 68 families in their homes, because they are with other families “in the blood”. Of as a fraud, exposed the “mirror”Reporter Claas Relotius had written in an alleged report: “Alone in Shkoder (Shkodra) are said to be entangled 3000 families in blood feuds.” Evidence he provided.

fact is, however, that in Albania, in the majority Albanian-populated Kosovo and in Western Macedonia criminal groups are active. They often have the best Connections to criminal gangs in Switzerland, in Germany and in Italy, where an estimated one Million Albanians and Albanian-speaking citizens. Many of these gangs are dominated by young, single men who have nothing to lose. You are in the drug trade and engaged in Prostitution. Those who ask around in the Albanian community in the surroundings of Zurich, is also of money-lenders, the exorbitant usury to claim interest and the debt is often by using threats or violence to collect.

In Struga many people are afraid of the murder in Rüti could damage tourism.

With the so-called blood revenge have to do the bloody conflict in this Milieu, mostly nothing. It slips underground, family feuds or honour killings, as there are also between Arab Clans in the West European metropolises. Albania is Europe’s leading Cannabis producer. In this lucrative business, the Italian Mafia is heavily involved. A police chief who worked in Südalbanien, received in the spring of 2017 asylum in Switzerland: He had denounced the entanglements of the drug lords with Albanian politicians.

The killed host from Rüti comes from the Macedonian town of Struga on lake Ohrid, where the Kanun did not show any significant Tradition. Inajet I. belongs to the Albanian minority in the country – and he is the third victim of a feud between two families. It is also a matter of influence in the world, which was in the Balkans is almost always semi-public, and multi-ethnic. In Struga, many people now have fear, of murder in Rüti could damage tourism. Lonely Planet has named the 2017 city of Ohrid’s fifth best destination in the world. Struga is the gateway to the Macedonian Paradise.

death shooter von Rüti is still on the run

three days after the fatal shooting in Rüti the offender is still on the run. The Canton police will continue to search for the man, the bears on Christmas day, the owner of the restaurant, a 51-year-old Macedonian, was shot.

in the Meantime, have contacted members of the media. You write that the cause of the fact is an event in the year 2013. At that time, the mayor of Struga, a small Macedonian town have decided to close to the Albanian border, the illegal buildings to tear down. Then, a local mafia boss had threatened the municipal Secretary of Struga. This is a nephew of the victim – the family of RUTI.

In the Letter are enumerated the crimes of convicted mafia boss: women and drug trafficking. The man had been wanted by the American authorities. The victim’s family had been from the son of the mafia boss and his brother attacked. The police and the Prosecutor’s office had been on the cases informed, but would have done nothing.

Video man shot down was the victim of a blood feud

In the summer of 2015, the town clerk had been attacked by the mafia boss again physically. Also, the two sons of the later victim. In the letter it is said that the Albanian authorities had alerted the Macedonian police, that a contract murder of the Secretary of the community would be planned. The police have done nothing.

allegations to the police

At the 13. December 2015 is the worst thing to happen: In an ambush in Struga, 22, was shot-year-old son of the later victim of RUTI. The second, five years younger son suffered severe injuries. Five people should have committed the deed. Two had been identified, including the mafia boss. The two men were sentenced to 20 years in prison. The three other accomplices have not been identified.

in addition to the mafia boss convicted accomplice running around free in the town of Struga, although he had been sentenced to 20 years. This was possible because he had good Connections to the police and the judiciary.

connection denied

According to the free newspaper “20 minutes” was shot by the mafia boss last year in Macedonia. The offender should be escaped to Switzerland. According to Macedonian media at the time, the family of the victim from Rüti to the fact. Relatives suspect that the fact of Rüti with the murder of the mafia boss relationships. The denied, however, the family. (enr/high)


Created: 27.12.2018, 22:06 PM