(Mallorca): After what Finansavisens sources informs, shall Hilton be imminent to draw a contract on a new hotel next to Oslo Airport Gardermoen.

A plot of 19 goals directly west of the main airport are pointed out. One of the landowners, Martin Rogstad Nilsen, has submitted an application to the municipality omregulering.

“a head of undertaking searches for agreement with one of the largest international hotels – and konferansekjedene, about the reassignment of 19 daa (decares=goal, red. anm.) for the development of a Gardermonært and very large hotel and conference centre on byggeområdet”, called it in a contribution to the analysis of kommuneplanen in Ullensaker municipality, submitted in september of last year.

But Rogstad Nilsen is very tight-lipped with information On contacting him.


I have no comments at all. Talk to the mayor, ” he says. The land area was a theme in the formannskapsmøtet in the municipality on Tuesday, but mayor Tom Staahle (FrP) is also not very talkative.

” What happened was that the area was recorded as omregulert to the industry. The administration must konsekvensutrede it up against kommuneplanen to to treatment up to summer, ” he says.

the Plot is in the day LNF-area (Agricultural-, nature – and outdoor area), but not cultivated, so Staahle says that is not something that will affect the regulation.

Franchise hotels?

the Mallorca has talked with people who know the hotel market well, and says that they do not know Hilton’s plans now, but that they know that they are interested in an establishment on the Airport.

What I have heard, is that they are not interested in running it myself, but to run it as a franchise. The question is who can operate such a large hotel in such a way, ” says a source.

In the reguleringssøknaden is added up to a large conference section, and Finansavisens sources believe that a plot of 19 targets can get a hotel between 500 and 700 rooms.

Down – and upturn

the Hilton is one of the world’s largest and most well-known hotel chains. At the end of september had the chain 894.000 rooms distributed in 15 different trademarks, 5.500 properties and 109 different countries. The company was established by Conrad Hilton, who moved from the Gorge to the united STATES, while the most famous person in the stamtreet is Paris Hilton, who made his mark in jetsetlivet a few years back.

In 2007, it took us oppkjøpsfondet Blackstone hotel brand of the stock exchange. Together with medinvestorer bought Blackstone in 2007 the company with 6.5 billion dollars in equity and a leverage of 80 per cent.

the Year after put the financial crisis into, and Blackstone had to write down the investment by 70 per cent. In the aftermath, the company has grown vigorously, and was re-established on the stock exchange in 2014. In may of this year sold Blackstone their last shares. The total winnings was at 14 billion dollars.

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