This story begins with a letter to the “Tages-Anzeiger”: “Ancient (90), I am, and hip I would like to be, of course. Can you give me a little Support?” For many years she put her dreams in felt, wrote the trend-conscious woman, her grandchildren love their products. Yes, she was even – “o” – for an exhibition of her Work in the “Studio culture” in the Röslischür in district 6 have been invited. Title: “felt in the old apartment”. Now, the late bloomers wrote: “I’m a megalomaniac, when I hope to do a post about my Work?”

So much gluten in your old age makes you curious. We meet in the old settlement Irchel. Who is this woman with the name Klara Kaiser? About the seems to us to be bent over oncoming old lady to wait? No, the woman lets us into her urban Old house stands in an upright posture in the pink sweater and black leather pants, smiling in front of us. The hair became entirely white in 90 years. It belongs to the “high-Flyers of today, the 80-year-old artists, the new darlings of the art world”, by Klara Kaiser has read and to which you would like to?

relationship “matted”

With the felting, it started quietly. Klara Kaiser wanted to make their daughter-in-law is a joy, wished for Nativity figures. In the school Viventa in Wipkingen, the felting was to their Passion. The whole family, from Singapore to the USA, had already been “felted”. Soon a friend of hers came up with the idea to felting from the many wool scraps right images. “And so my career as a Filzerin started,” says Clare Kaiser. In 1999, her first work was created. She called it the “joy of life”.

The old apartment, the Klara Kaiser inhabited for four years, is stylishly decorated. Some of her Works adorn the walls. Still life, flowers, landscapes, Abstract and also a children’s portrait of her today, 26-year-old grandson, all in felt. This grandson, “my biggest Fan”, as she says, invites you to lunch, and she advises in the computer. At first they balked against modern technology, since you know that you can with your Laptop, the Website of FC Bayern München viewing, you like digital. Previously, it had been as a wife that looks like football, is an exception. “But it is how it is,” says Clare Kaiser. And she was always like a little nonconformist.


ahead Of time, she was also, as the father of her two boys, the first man in her life, a divorce was. And custody of the boys – mid-sixties – informed. He looked together with his new wife during the working days to the children. You yourself provided for you on the weekends. “Everything wasn’t always around, but I’ve always believed in a good end.” The has helped.

As a divorced mother, she worked for the Swiss phone company. “I have not been ostracised as a Divorced.” Earlier, when she was still teaching, this would be the divorced women are “lousy work”. Telephonist was a well-respected profession. And later, as a Boss, you’ve made the experience that especially divorced women were very industrious. What can you say of “the young team”.

The Holy Three kings in colorful garb – felted.

she remained by the phone company faithfully until Retirement. On your last working day fifty pink red violins hung in your office from the ceiling. “We had it good, the Team was my family, I liked going to work.” She often cooked for guests. You went slightly out of Hand, because as a girl you can stand for hours in front of the cooking pots in the Inn of her father, the cheerfulness in Fehraltorf. “My name is although the Emperor, but I have always worked a lot.”

The house is full of military

There was a strict time. The mother was constantly at work. The nanny Marie looked after the children. The older brother learned to Clare to read, with the one and a half years younger, you have a “pranks concocted”. At this time, it was the war years, the house is full of military. Officers and non-commissioned officers. The father was in active service, the mother of the Restaurant led alone. As Klara in the 2. Sec was, her mother died of Angina. Because Marie was there, “everything went” says Klara. But the pain of her death was there nonetheless.

These hard years you have shaped. Clara Kaiser was not one that gives up easily. When she retired at 55 as it was at the time, the phone company is usual, you had to bypass a couple of years. Therefore, you are helped up to the retirement age in the waid city as a telephone operator. In addition, she cooked for eight years at a lunch table in the old town. “I had experience. Shopping, yourself scheduling. Sometimes it was, sometimes,” laughs the hip Retired. “I didn’t take it so seriously.” Money was practical and reassuring, “but for the luck is not decisive”.

Creative and nonconformist

Maybe it was a bit of a given, to be so carefree, to believe always to the good fate, she says. But anyone could make out of his life again and again, a little later, with sixty, seventy, eighty, Yes eighty years ago: “a Little work, even if it is only a Hobby such as felting. Or, in summer, a beautiful seat design, flowers, pull chairs in blue paint.” Then someone might say: ‘I want to learn about the woman with the blue chairs.

Dying, she’s not thinking: “death is the whole of life, because you do not need to wait specifically for him. It has no value.” Klara Kaiser wants to felting, “as long as I can still felting”. Wherever your path is open. She remains creative, and nonconformist. And it is precisely this Lebensrat you would also like the Federal Council. According to the poem of Bertolt Brecht (1916): “be ye cold or hot, but not lukewarm. Are black or white, but not grey.”


Created: 26.12.2018, 19:30 Uhr