you are one of the emotional pillars of Zurich: the Road and the trees. Not a 30 Zone is not too short, not a Bicycle trail to be wide, to bring to Zurich in flashes. And Green city of Zurich, the saw, scream, the Zurich. So much is sure.

Even more surprising is that the action of “Less is more” is almost not observed, although they – at least for the purposes of the language covers both aspects. The action goes to the city Council prescribed clearing (deforestation) of the “Schilderwalds was officially never” in the local street traffic. And although the optimal conditions for a beautiful (want to be called hateful) debate, was the urban action almost forgotten. But only almost.

4913 signs are gone

Martin Götzl and Stephan Iten (both SVP), “Less is more” with a written request to the Council back into the conversation. They wanted to know from the city Council, which of the two was actually the result of this thinning of the “sign forest”. And the sounds so: “to complete the time-consuming investigations of the former project “sign forest”?” “If so, why could be removed to update any traffic signs?” or “How many “Tempo 30″-road signs have been mounted since the introduction of this alleged noise protection measure on the Zurich city area?”

the response from The city Council in brief: Yes, the Department for transport has completed the project this year. Particularly time-consuming, the Whole had not been. The findings would be incorporated in the planning, and because the city of unnecessary Signaling, avoid, save you money. 1000 francs for the Assembly of a individual, free-standing traffic signal costs. In addition, the city removed thousands. 4913, to be precise.

The white arrow path

flashback: In January 2012, the city Council Daniel Leupi (Green), then a police chief, in front of the media and presented his plans. “The sign post forest has grown historically, and no one has paid attention,” he said. He changed the.

55’000 traffic signs in Zurich are too much. They represented a security risk. Therefore, redundant signs will have to. For example, the white arrow on a blue circle pointing to the right at the bottom, and prescribes, the obstacle to the right side of the bypass. Superfluous of this note, because there’s no other way than to bypass the protection poles in the middle of the street on the right. So get rid of it.

remanufactured: parts removed signs were brought in to the maintenance depot leutschenbach. File photo: Reto Oeschger

The discarded signs were in the maintenance depot at Leutschenbach. Whenever possible, been there, cleaned the boards, repaired if necessary, tailored, freshly painted, painted, and reused.

204 Tempo-30-signs

Unfortunately, can make Heiko Ciceri is no information about what signs the city frequently to dismount and let. Also they did not make any statistics, said the media spokesman for the Department for transport. De facto, the number of signs has decreased in Zurich is also less than the number 4913 would suggest: Today, the “shield forest” is still made up of approximately 53’800 signs, only 1200 less than at the beginning of the “Less is more”.

The reason: “There are also new signs had to be installed,” says Ciceri, therefore, the recycling in the leutschenbach also revealed sense. New, so new signs, there were, among other things, the Modification of existing or implementation of new transport regime – for example, pace-30-routes.

So we were again assembled in the questions of the local councils, how many Tempo-30-traffic signs since the introduction “of this alleged noise protection measure” on the Zurich city area and how many there will be in the next few years. For Noise abatement, the city had installed 204 signs, the city Council’s response. How many there are exactly, not estimated. She suggests, however, that as yet what will happen to the local councils: 58 road sections with 30 km / h are currently being planned. (Tages-Anzeiger)

Created: 28.12.2018, 15:17 PM