In Denmark, today we have staggered holidays, which means that you earn holiday from 1. January to 31. december, but the holidays can first will be held from 1. may to 30. april of the year following.

With the current rules can thus go up to 16 months from the time you earn the vacation, it may be held.


With the new ferielov, which shall enter into force definitively 1. september 2020, you have the same right to holiday, as you have today.

the Difference is that where your holiday was previously earned from 1. January to 31. december, it now earned continuously during the leave year from 1. september to the 31. august the year after.

Basically, this means the new ferielov that you would earn and hold the holiday at the same time.

That means for example, that you are new on the labour market does not need to wait up to 1.5 years before you can take a holiday with pay.

With the new ferieordning you will, just like today, earn 2,08 days per month.

Before the act enters into force 1. september 2020 there will be a transition from the current rules to the new ferielov.

the Transitional regime leads to the vacation earned from the 1. January 2019 to 31. august 2019 – equivalent to 16.7 days – are stored and can be used for the organisation of the holiday from 1. may 2020 to 31. august 2020. It will say in the summer months, just before the new ferielov enters into force. the

Vacation is being ‘frozen’
Vacation, that are earned in the period from 1. september 2019 to 31. august 2020 will be ‘frozen’, so it can neither be held or paid, before you leave the labour market.

It happens when you go on pension. The frozen holiday pay may also be paid if you have been awarded disability pension, early retirement, fleksydelse or taken permanent residence abroad.

You will still be able to transfer earned vacation, for example, if you want to be able to hold more vacation in the summer of 2020 than the 16,7 days.

Because you, under the current rules, will have earned vacation which has not yet held. At the same time, you will at overgangstidspunktet to the new law begin earning new vacation, which can be held in line with the that the holidays are earned.

This means that you will have up to two years of paid leave, the equivalent of ten weeks, in the first year of the new scheme.

It would have major consequences for employers ‘ liquidity, and thus for the economy, if we all should have the opportunity to hold or get paid holiday for up to ten weeks in one year.

the Money that is earned in period 1. september 2019 to December 31. august 2020, they end up in a special fund, ‘Employees’ Fund for Receivable Feriemidler’.

the Fund established under the Employees ‘ Dyrtidsfond, which manages the fund with administrative and technical assistance from the Labour market Supplementary pension (ATP), which will have the task to stand for the operation of the fund.

You can read much more about the new ferielov on the government website.

the New laws: Here are ten of the new laws and rules from the new year

Persons over the age of 18 years can buy pepper spray and have it at home. It is still illegal to carry it in the public space. It will be punished with a fine of 3000 dollars.

the Fee for getting married is rising from 870 € to 1618 dollars. And while today it is the municipalities who checks the papers, then passes the task to a central unit under the regional state Administration in Odense.

in the Future applicants must participate in a grundlovsceremoni, where they must give hand to get citizenship. The ceremony will be held by the municipalities. It is apparent from the comments to the proposal, it is the intention that the aliens and integrationsministeren must establish the requirement for hand pressure shall be exchanged without the glove – palm against palm.

the SU-fribeløbet be raised with 1000 crowns, so that students in secondary school get a franchise of 8846 dollars per month in the months they receive SU. Higher education increases fribeløbet to 13.375 dollars per month.

a try is it legal to run with motorized scooters and skateboards. The scheme comes into force in January, but there is not yet a precise date for when it enters into force. There are a number of rules which must be observed. Among other things, must driving be done on the bike path, the driver must be at least 15 years, the lighting must always be switched on, and løbehjulene must not be able to run 20 kilometres per hour under its own power.

the Requirement will be phased in over three years and is fully phased in by 2021. From 1. January is opholdskravet 5 out of 12 years, in 2020 it becomes 6 out of 12 years, and in 2021 it becomes 7 out of 12 years.

It means that the license is gradually converted to the treasure. From 2022 to be paid there is no longer license – it will instead happen over the treasure.

the Board consists of a judge, a policeman and a representative from the municipality, and together, they have the ability to determine a sanction for the children. It may be that they need to clean the fire trucks or the local housing association, that they should in the improvement cycle for up to four years ‘ duration, or be placed at insured institutions.

The legally binding behandlingstestamente allows for that you can take a position on whether life-prolonging treatment should be started, if there was a time, not able to even take a position on it. It replaces the current living will, which is indicative of the health workforce, which has access to it. But the citizens, who already have a living will, lose it not.

the Account opened with the bank and has a ceiling of 50,000 crowns. The money you can invest in enkeltaktier or through a mutual fund. You pay an annual tax of 17 percent of the increases in value on the account. Usually shares are taxed at 27 or 42 percent.

Sources: Ritzau, the Danish parliament’s website and legal

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