E-car owner can control in many Parts of Germany, more and more places, the batteries in their vehicles to recharge. The ratio is better, as experts recommend it.

By Markus Balser Markus Balser

Markus Balser came in 2001 to the süddeutsche Zeitung. He is a graduate of the Cologne school of journalism and a diploma in Economics and was first in the economy editorial office in Munich. In 2013, he went to Berlin and reported from there on energy and environmental issues. At the beginning of 2016, he joined the parliamentary team and takes care of to transport and agricultural policies, as well as to the Deutsche Bahn. In 2007, Balser was Nannen, together with Klaus Ott and Hans Leyendecker for the research to the Siemens bribe scandal with the Henri award. In 2008, he was a scholarship holder of the Arthur F. Burns fellowship, a guest editor of the Wall Street Journal in New York.

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follow What it is that, so far, only a few electric cars driving on German roads? The car industry does not find a clear answer: “Innovative products to meet the requirements of the General conditions must be right,” said automobile Association President Bernhard Mattes still at the beginning of December in Berlin. Especially the charging infrastructure must be further developed. The auto industry, to build so resonated with, and even new models. Only could be loaded. The electricity industry wants to let such a blame game is now no longer available. New Figures from the industry Association BDEW, the existence süddeutsche Zeitung, to make it clear: the E-car owner can control in many Parts of Germany, more and more charging stations. According to the Federal Association of energy and water economy, there are nationwide more than 16 100 public and semi-public charging points, which are recorded in the load column register of the Association. Twelve percent of them are fast-charging stations. Mathematically, the 160 000 electric and hybrid cars ten cars on each Station.

Thus, the rate is even better than experts recommend German E-car. The National platform for electric mobility (NPE), an independent panel of experts, recommends approximately 12.5 cars per Station, the EU Commission is a ratio of ten to one. The electricity sector registered a faster growth. Because at the end of July, the statistics of the Association was points at 13 500 Load. Since then, 2600 have been added within a period of five months, i.e. 20 percent. Be recorded in the statistics, energy companies, car Park and car Park operators, supermarkets and Hotels. Non-private charging facilities.

in the face of such Numbers does not hold out to the operators of the stations, such as energy companies and municipal utilities no longer the head for the slow pace of dissemination. “The energy companies, the Expansion of the charging infrastructure on the pace,” said Stefan Kapferer, Chairman of the BDEW General Executive management Board. “And although, so far, hardly any electric cars on the roads, the operation of the charging stations to be profitable so far.” In Thuringia, Hamburg, and Berlin a hand just come once fully electric cars at a charging point. The Black Peter Kapferer goes further: “The spread of E-cars needs to go faster – otherwise, the transport sector objectives will achieve the climate protection in 2030 light-years. It models that can compete in price and performance with the combustion engine is still missing.”