“The Swedish Heroes in the world”
“the 2-year-old Mohammad has never seen his own home.”
“Abu Hashim and his family have a large house in a fertile farming community in Syria, where many go on vacation in the spring.”
“Where have the youngest son, Mohammad, 2, never have been.”
“For the family waiting now, once again, a fight for survival when the dreaded cold settles over the giant refugee camp.”
“the Family has been on the run for four years and now live in the refugee camp Azraq in Jordan. A relatively poor country, without oil resources, where nearly 700 000 refugees from Syria have taken. The country, which received many refugees from Iraq, now faces an extremely tough challenge.”
“Mohammads three older siblings, Sheba, 9, Hashim, 12, and Raghad, 16, have all the memories of a better life. But it has not Mohammad. He is a of all children who grow up in the shadow of the civil war in Syria, and he don’t know anything else than the monotonous everyday life in a refugee camp. “
“in the Past worked Mohammads father, Abu Hashim, a syrian jordbruksmyndigheten. For him are the memories of ”the other life” in the small town of Ghouta both a light and a burden.”
“– We can’t compare our life here in the camp with our lives back home in Syria. We had a nice home, a house with several rooms. Where it was warm and beautiful. To compare it with life here just gives me a headache, ” says Abu Hashim.”
“You see the joy in his eyes when he looks at his little son. But the same eyes filled with a great sadness as he looks out over the camp where his children are forced to grow up. “
“Now when the winter is coming is also growing concern. “
” We’ve already had a lot of rain. Many of the homes in the camp has been swamped, and we are worried that it will get more cold rain. The moisture penetrates through all cracks, and it takes weeks to dry up, ” says Abu Hashim.”
“Have fought for survival for four years”
“But after the moisture, it will even greater threat: the Cold.”
“– We have been in the camp for four years now, and every year we fought to defend ourselves against the cold. When we first came to the camp, we were forced to use the only blanket we had to cover the shutters. But this year, we have been able to add a special layer of insulation. “
“In the family’s shed is just a heater. Around it are gathered the parents and the four kids.”
“– We have furnished on and set the kitchen in the middle of the big room so the heat from cooking also helps us to keep the heat in.”
“In the refugee camp Azraq live as people in a Swedish small town. 2017 lived 33 000 people in the camp, according to the Page – as many as it lives in Landskrona, sweden. “
“But, nevertheless, is much of what gives a family a decent life is not taken for granted. The children lack winter clothes have, for example, difficult to go to the temporary schools.”
“”Thanks to the help, we are safe””
“The tough years on the run has changed a great deal for Abu Hashim. The family is very grateful for the help they received from the UN refugee agency (UNHCR). And they are well aware of the know there are many who have it much worse.”
“– We can see they live under worse conditions. Those who are poorer than us. We are safe and secure. My children are safe. It means everything right now, ” says Abu Hashim.”
“But the relief over the security of the camp give for the moment does not give much hope for the farmtiden.”
“– of Course we would like to return to Syria, but we do not know if it is possible. If we can have a normal life outside the camp. Right now it is hard to imagine anything at all, ” says Abu Hashim, while he is looking at lille Mohammad who never met the spring at home on the meadows outside the beautiful house in the Ghouta.”
“Now collects Swedish Heroes money for the benefit of ”Sweden for UNHCR”, in order to save lives when iskylan pulls out of refugee camps. Swisha elective total 123 365 78 48, visit gåvoshopen or become a monthly donor here.”
“It is enough money to -”
“READ MORE: Sweden for UNHCR”