Customers are advised to seek directly to the emergency department if telephone service is not connected within a reasonable period of time.HUS calls puhelinapu the player moves to, in urgent cases, directly to the emergency room, if Päivystysapu not get in touch. Jenni Gästgivar
the new country Päivystysapu -phone service christmas rush to take the new rounds. Phone service was congested on Saturday morning and traffic was defused only late in the evening.
Ruuhkasuman the reason for the Helsinki and uusimaa hospital district, HUS tell normal much higher call volume and staff illness cases.
last Night, the relief was short lived, once the service has started to become congested again also today on Sunday.
– we do everything we can, that the response time can be kept within reasonable limits. Additional staff has been alerted to dismantle the congestion, said new country päivystysapu activity equivalent to chief Leena Soininen HUS Acute, the problem of telling the bulletin.
HUS Regrets the situation. The number of calls has exceeded the estimates made.
on-call help advice call the person advised of the christmas period to seek urgent situations directly to the emergency room, if Päivystysapu not make contact within a reasonable period of time.