In England, has begun the reprocessing of the unique incident at the airport of Gatwick. From Wednesday evening until Friday morning, the drones had grounded air traffic for nearly 36 hours long lame. Transport Minister Chris Grayling spoke at the BBC of an “unprecedented operation”. It must be quickly informed of what had happened, to draw the “Lessons”. Transport Secretary of state Elizabeth Sugg, announced “new measures” against the abusive use of drones. With the manufacturers, there were talks about a possible Geo-Tracking, in order to prevent drone flights over zones. Critics accuse the government to have the drone problem is not enough attention devoted to it.

Video: drone alarm at Gatwick airport After on Wednesday evening at the Gatwick airport in London drones spotted, had to be stopped the air traffic. (Video: Reuters/Tamedia)

The newspaper “The Times” reported on Saturday, Grayling have pushed for this year, proposed legislation for the better protection of airports against drones on the long Bank. The Deputy, Andy McDonald, traffic expert of the opposition Labour party, defendant in the BBC Radio that there had been, in spite of promises, no new laws.

action pressure for the Swiss air force

unlike a few days ago in Gatwick, the army is unique in Switzerland because of civil drones beige has been moved. The events in the do airport in Europe but also the Swiss air force. “We analyse the events and decision-making processes,” says air force chief Bernhard Müller.

Although there is for the events in Gatwick no evidence of a terrorist Background. However, because the English police had expressed the presumption that the drones targeted disruptions in the flight operations brought about should be, Switzerland. Because: in a few weeks, the World Economic Forum (WEF) held in Davos, Switzerland.

Then personalities of economy and politics to travel. Also, the us President, Donald Trump has announced his Coming. The closure of Zurich airport over a longer period of time would be just devastating. “The challenge will be to get up to then a reliable picture of the events in Gatwick,” the chief of the air force.

Müller is confident: “With the advent of drones, it was clear that this scenario constitutes a risk,” says Müller. It had also been discussed often. “With the events in England, there is an obvious pressure for action arose.”

According to the Zurich cantonal police, they came so far only rarely because of drones at the airport. “We are able to make the pilots to search, please refer to the legal regulations,” says spokesman Marc Besson. If necessary, order the guardian to initiate legal action and go to the drone operators. To not want your arrangements for the WEF opinion, the Zurich police.

More reported incidents

As a list of the Swiss safety investigation Board (Saib) shows, the number of reported incidents in the past few years. 2016 registered the Saib in the air traffic three incidents with drones and opened an investigation (in the year of the mandatory reporting was introduced by the Federal office for civil aviation). 27 incidents of the Saib were reported in the year 2017, whereupon it opened also an investigation.

In this year (until 20.12.2018) was one of the safety investigation authority in 31 incidents, and opened four investigations. Wherein several cases from the 31 messages subsumed or in on-going investigations have been integrated.

According to the drones-disruptive actions on the London Gatwick airport has been taken by the British police, two Suspects. According to the police, it is a man and a woman. The two were arrested late on Friday evening in the County of Sussex, on suspicion of “criminal use of drones”. The flight operations at Gatwick returned to normal on Saturday gradually.

Video: Chaos at Gatwick took to drones, The British police arrested in connection with drone flights at Gatwick airport, two people. (Video: Reuters)

(Sunday newspaper)

Created: 22.12.2018, 16:22 PM