have been killed In a double suicide attack by the Islamist terrorist organization Al-Shabaab in Somalia, at least 22 people. Around 20 more were injured.

The bombers blew themselves up on Saturday morning in their cars in the capital city Mogadiscio in the vicinity of the presidential Palace in the air, as the police said. Among the Victims, security forces, and a British goods-Somali Journalist. The two consecutive explosions were heard throughout the city area.

Al-Shabaab is fighting for supremacy

The Islamist terrorist organization al-Shabaab acknowledged in a radio message to the terrorist attacks. The aim of the bombs, security had been controls in the vicinity of the presidential Palace, it was called.

A representative of the Somali intelligence service Nisa explained, however, the bombers would have had the location of the new building of the national theatre in the visor. Al-Shabaab perpetrated violent attacks in Mogadiscio. You are struggling in the poor country in the Horn of Africa to the supremacy.

A 20’000 strong international peacekeeping force and the Somali armed forces strive, the fundamentalist fighters to push back. In addition, the U.S. military has carried out this year already dozens of air strikes against al-Shabaab, and according to its own figures, hundreds of fighters killed. (Dec/sda)

Created: 22.12.2018, 17:28 PM