The former TV and radio host Mads Vangsø is now in a rowboat in the middle of the Atlantic ocean with his good friend Lasse Wulff Hansen.

The two danes must ro 4800 kilometres across the Atlantic, and the Danish duo has come out really well from the start. So good, that they right now is at the front in their own category of two-man both could lead to a-race ‘Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge’.

Now the danes facing their biggest challenge so far, and it can literally put a stop to the Danish boat.

Carsten Heron Olsen, who is CEO and Race director for kapronings competition, tells that the boats for the first time will be greeted to contradict the face of adversity.

– From the Sunday night given the headwinds in a day. It will certainly be felt, when they have not had the wind against them, he says to Ekstra Bladet.

– So smoking the 0.5 knots, and they can also smoke the opposite. They can risk to smoke behind, says Carsten Heron Olsen of the Danish rowing boat, at the time of writing shoots a speed of 2.6 knots.

the Graphic shows how the flow hits the danes from the Sunday night and a day. ‘Wolfpack Gym powered by the Garmin’ is the name of the Danish boat. Video: YB Races – Atlantic Campaigns.

the Journey across the Atlantic

After the rudder every two hours at a time and sleeps for two hours. Round the clock on the entire trip.

Every paddler need to drink up to ten litres of water a day.

Seawater is purified in a ‘watermaker’ and thus becomes for drinking water.

A beet lose an average of 12 pounds on the trip.

More people have climbed Mount Everest than crossing an ocean in a rowing boat.

At the deepest point is the Atlantic ocean, about 8.5 miles deep.

in the Middle of the Atlantic waves can be up to six metres high.

Two sikkerhedsbåde sailing with on the trip.

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If the danes can’t get momentum in the boat, when modvinden framework, it requires great mental strength to continue, explains Carsten Heron Olsen.

– It is incredibly hard to be in the same place, which was four hours ago. It is important that one backs his mate up and believe in it, says the race’s CEO, who believes that 75 percent of it to implement the race is mental.

Such is the competition

participating in a total of 27 rowing boats in the competition, which begins on La Gomera and will end at the finish line well 5000 miles across the Atlantic to Antigua in the Caribbean.

Each team will compete against other teams with equal number of rowers. Mads Vangsø and Lasse Wulff Hansen is fighting against four other ‘couples’ in their category.

You can be 1-5 participants on a team.

You can always see the post on the link here.

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Modvinden is especially hard on the Atlantic, which, according to Carsten Heron Olsen can not be compared with the Øresund, which danes know the home from Denmark.

– It is a totally different set of conditions and forces, he says.

It has the two danes already had to true. A few days ago, snapped an oar, as they fought with six-metre high waves, and both the hands and the tibia scares, so it can be felt.

Community – 20. dec. 2018 – at. 20:22 Fierce night and Mads, Lasse: Hit by a brutal accident

the Extra Leaf has Saturday been in contact with the Danish boys, who are just now enjoying, that they do not have to fight with the waves and headwinds.

Lasse Wulff Hansen had just taken the tour the first dip, as we hear from him.

– the First time in the water on the trip. It was completely wonderful!! About 1200 km to the country and six kilometres to the bottom, he writes.

Hopefully get the two danes left the batteries as well up that they are ready to withstand the harsh weather conditions Sunday night.

Carsten Heron Olsen, who has been in contact with the two danes in a year and a half leading up to the race, is not in doubt that the enough to implement.

Mentally, they are really well prepared. They know very well that there are many eyes on them. It is not an opportunity for them to give up. How are they, saith the assessment.

on the journey

Through video, photos and live gennemstillinger to and from the boat you have every day the opportunity to follow the experiences and challenges, Mads Vangsø and Lasse Wulff Hansen meetings, when they are completely alone and without aids trying to cross the Atlantic ocean in a rowboat.

See also, where the danes are right now using THIS LINK.

We follow them up to, during, and when – if all goes as it should – going in the goal on the journey.

the Race was shot at time 12. december on La Gomera and ending approximately 45 days later and 5000 miles away on Antigua in the Caribbean.

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Community – 12. dec. 2018 – at. 15:23 Touching farewell: leaving the known tv-host family

Community – 10. dec. 2018 – at. 19:29 now the unimaginable quantities: so Mads and Lasse eat as much