In various James Bond films throughout the ages, the cars flew through the air in connection with a violent car chases, where agent 007 either chasing criminals, or are on the run from criminals who are after him. But now an ordinary citizen in Slovakia almost surpassed James Bond this week.

The case of 44-year-old man, who with great speed the 20. december smoking out in the discount just before a tunnel, but here the frames he is a kind of stone-ramp that causes the car to fly 4-5 feet up in the air and hurtle several meters through the air. Then hit the tunnelens tag and turn 360 degrees until it again lands on the road far inside the tunnel.

Police in Slovakia have on their Facebook published the video, where you can see the dramatic car crash from a normal distance, in close-ups and in slow motion. The clip is of course gone viral and on the police facebook it has already been seen 2 million times and has been shared nearly 23.000 times.

the Accident took place at the Borik tunnel near Poprad five o’clock in the morning on Tuesday. The man, who was alone in the car, drove a BMW, and he was basically unharmed after the accident. Police also investigated whether the man had been drinking alcohol, but the test was negative. The police have also indicated that the man allegedly had fallen asleep just before the accident happened. But there is no doubt that he woke up again.

In the comments under the video, users have, among other things, compared the video with the movies such as James Bond, The Fast and The Furious and The Knight Rider.

Several media outlets have written about the unusual accident, including Newsweek and The Mirror.

the Food fell supposedly asleep, as he rapidly approached the tunnel. (Photo: the Police in Slovakia)