About 800,000 federal employees in the UNITED states sent Saturday home without pay.

It happens as a consequence of the failure of the Democrats and the Republicans to reach agreement on a finanslovsaftale for 2019.

the Closure is just the latest evidence of a toxic climate of cooperation in american politics. It tells Anders Agner, who is the editor of netmediet Kongressen.com.

– There is virtually no constructive dialogue between the two parties or partiledelserne, he says.

the Disagreement on the budget bill has arisen because the us president, Donald Trump, require that, in allocated approximately five billion u.s. dollars to a grænsemur against Mexico.

A wall, as he profiled on during the recent presidential election in 2016.

There is presented a finanslovsudkast in the House of Representatives, where Republicans have the majority.

in Order to be adopted, 60 percent of the Senate vote for the proposal, but it is not successful the president to get the Democrats to go with the idea of the milliarddyre wall to the south.

And the political battles will be harder in the future, assess the Anders Agner.

– It is hard right now in federal us policy to find any kind of bipartisan cooperation.

– We must get used to that, it also comes to shape the 2019. The congress split, when the Democrats after the new year takes over the majority in the House of Representatives, and so we are going to see several heavy blows across party lines – also with regard to budgetaftaler, he says.

the Parties continue to negotiate the budget on Saturday morning, u.s. time. According to Anders Agner can it be that the Democrats will go with a compromise of giving more money to the increased grænsebevogtning.

Both the partners however, according to Agner out to be losers in the political conflict.

On the positive side happening closure on top in a number of public holidays, public employees would still keep the free. Therefore, given the limited importance of the forthcoming week’s time.

It is not the first time that the public authorities in the UNITED states shut down. In fact, it’s 21. time, it happens.

on Friday night broke the negotiations in the u.s. Congress on next year’s budget together. Thereby closing the parts of the public authorities down.

president of the UNITED states, Donald Trump has demanded that the budget included the funding of a grænsemur against Mexico – one of his main election pledges – but the Democrats in the Senate spans continue to ben.

the budget crises and shutdowns are, however, not an unknown phenomenon in the UNITED states:

* 20 times in american history has a budget crisis led to a complete or partial shutdown.

* The longest shutdown took place in 1995 under president Bill Clinton. It lasted for more than three weeks.

* In Jimmy Carter’s presidency from 1977 to 1981, there were six shutdowns that lasted between eight and 17 days.

* The last longer the shutdown was in 2013 and lasted for 16 days.

* There have been two shutdowns, ago Trump was president. In January of this year closed parts of the government in three days. The month after it happened again, however, only in one day.

* currently, there is adopted a budget for 75 percent of the public authorities – including the military, intelligence services, and health services. It is the remaining 25 percent, which continue to be negotiated.

* The public budget in the UNITED states must be approved by a simple majority in the House of Representatives and subsequently adopted with 60 votes in the Senate. In the latter the Republican a narrow majority of 51 seats.

Sources: Washington Post, AP, DR