the Explosions took place in the centre of Mogadishu, at a checkpoint, only about 500 metres from the presidential palace, according to a police officer. Witnesses tell of a strong first bang and puff of smoke that appeared to rise over the city.

a Short time later, another explosion nearby.

” We have been able to confirm that seven people died in the two explosions, and over ten injured, said the local spokesperson for the police, mr Ibrahim Mohamed said.

the second explosion was even more powerful than the first.

“I saw several dead bodies, including several from the security forces,” says the witness.

London-based somali Universal TV reports that three of its employees are among the dead, including the channel somaliskbrittiska producer Awil Dahir.

in a statement the attack as a ”martyroperation”. The group was driven out of the capital in 2011 and has lost many of its former strongholds, but are continuing to maintain control over large areas of the countryside.