Kaisa Mäkäräinen remained far from the tip of the Nove Mesto 7.5 mile quick race. Finnish hit only five on the chalkboard at ten.Kaisa Mäkäräinen hit rate was on Friday quick in the race exactly 50%. EPA / AOP

finno-star the first shooting went still pretty nice because the berth only one shot slipped past the painting.

Lie was a fugitive. Fingers work just too quickly, Mäkäräinen analysis of yle for the first ammuntaansa.

to be able to spot the strider splatter then where it hurts. Mäkäräinen hit only one table.

I Can feel pretty good. I came pretty hard, but it was a tactic. It was practiced in two days. I can’t say. I think it was pretty orderly can, but not only the fingers and eyes worked together. This is biathlon, Mäkäräinen amazed.

One reason for the low strainer I may have been just the fact that Mäkäräinen arrived with great speed able shooting. Women, according to the case, however, was pre-decided tactics.

I’m Sure many think that I took wrong and I came too hard, because there’s a really tight rise and then flat, but I was reenaa it.

Mäkäräinen not so consented at first to admit that it had been the tactics of the error.

– Is it or is it something else, it is in the end just complete guesswork. I think I got so very calm that shooting entry. All feel that is like a possession, Mäkäräinen consider.

Just a little pluck. Let’s hope that gets to the chase.

Mäkäräinen ski slip, that he would certainly fight again tip kahinoissa, if the shooting would have been even a satisfactory level.

–Maintenance had done a really good job, had really great skis and had a pretty good feel hiihtoakin, but the annoying fact that when maintenance is successful and felt that suksikin passes, then left the shooting stick, but it has left me many times before.

Tomorrow, the women have the duty to guarantee-the chariot race, in which the starting order is determined by today’s quick-race basis. Mäkäräinen off # 58. Win a battle so there’s no issue, so a chase between the left is not completely ruled out the idea.

– have a little look at what kind of ryysikseen to have to ski and you get ahead and is it worth the try too. Have to think about it, the bet does more for Sunday.

Sunday, Nove Mestossa race the 12.5 km mass start race.

know about the shooting, despite Mäkäräinen was Friday the best Finnish. the Suvi Minkkinen 62:p, Jenny Fellman 66:s and Wendy Lehtonen 77:p.