It is only a month and a half since the last time, that Extra Magazine could tell that Danish businesses warned about scam e-mails and sms messages.

Now is the gal again, at least warn PostNord and Elkjøp about to be sent messages out with the two companies as senders.

Elkjøp experiencing so many types of fupbeskeder, that they have not even experienced the very latest kinds of messages people have received in their inbox.

– There are insanely many variations there florer at the moment. It is from lotteries, competitions and iPhones that cost a penny, explains Frederik Danvig, who is press officer at Elkjøp.

In the messages it says that the recipient has been selected to participate in a pakkeleg. They only need to tap the link, which follows in the text message. When you click on the link there comes a message that you have won a phone but you must pay 19 dollars to get the phone.

Messages on pakkeleg in Elkjøp is not from the company itself. Private.

It discloses that they are experiencing an increase in fupbeskederne up for different celebrations.

– During the Black Friday tried cheaters also to latch on to. It has unfortunately been commonplace with the here scam alerts. We are terrible sorry. Especially that people are using our good name and reputation to defraud people.

– Remember that sounds too good to be true, then it usually also says Frederick Danvig.

the Messages from PostNord is not competitions or cheap iPhones. The messages, which are sent out in their name, informs you that you have a package that needs to be picked up.

In the messages it says that you have to pay a postage of about five crowns, before you can get the package delivered. The gate must be paid via the link supplied in the message.

– We would never send an email or sms out with the type of portoopkrævning, for people have paid for their postage, when they have shopped on the web, tells the PostNord Denmark’s head of communications, Morten O. Nielsen.

PostNord find it deeply frustrating that constantly pops fupbeskeder up. Each time they warn against a type of fupbesked, pop a new one up.

One of the big problems with the many fupsms, the danes receive, is that they put themselves into the beskedtråd, as you might already have running, for example with PostNord. Therefore recommend kommunikationschefen that you download postnord’s own app.

– We have an app where we can send pushbeskeder out. We recommend that people download the app, for it is only us that can forward through it. We need to communicate with people, and that we need to use sms messages and emails. But the safest way to communicate with us is through the app, says Morten O. Nielsen.

At both the Elkjøp and PostNord shows on their websites, how many different types of fupbeskeder looks.

in Addition, both companies have the same advice for the danes, who have received questionable messages: do not Press on any links and delete the message immediately, if you are in doubt, it is bogus.