Denmark is going to the WORLD cup on home soil a profile less.

It is clear, after GOG’s Niclas Kirkeløkke Friday got MRI scan of his left knee he damaged in Saturday in the match against BSV.

In the first place so it’s not that bad out, and højrebacken took just a place on the bench. He also trained easily in the beginning of the week, but the knee started to raise up.

A thorough study has therefore shown that the posterior cruciate ligament in the left knee are torn. And it cost him a long break.

– It means that he is out of the WORLD cup unfortunately, and he probably will be out in half a year. He is of course crushed, and it is, of course, we also as a club, but first and foremost, we are sad to Niclas Kirkeløkkes behalf.

He faced an extremely exciting WORLD cup, where he could have played a big role for Denmark, says head coach in the GOG Nicolej Krickau to TV2 Sport.

Niclas Kirkeløkke switches to summer for the German team Rhein-Neckar Löwen, who is trained by Danish coach Nikolaj Jacobsen, who naturally are not completely satisfied.

– It is a serious blow for us, because Niclas was playing a big role on the team, says Nikolaj Jacobsen for the Danish Handball Federation website.

Jacobsen has instead taken Martin Larsen from the French club Pays d’aix.

The Danish players gather 28. december and after a few days off over new year take a hole in the two forberedelseskampe against Hungary before the WORLD cup starts with the opening match against Chile 10. January.