Suksesskriteriet is to use the market in klimaets service, underlined prime minister Erna Solberg recently in Aftenposten. At the same time says the Left leader that the government’s own platform is out of date with reference to 1.5 degree-the report from the Un intergovernmental panel on climate change. Both have the right.

We face a great and demanding job. Not least in transport issues, which, collectively, are the largest utslippssektor. Here the government has also set the highest ambitions. Transportutslippene should be halved to 2030. In just twelve years! Necessary, yes, but realistic? Oh well.

IMPATIENT: Trine Skei Grande (V). Show more

Well, first and foremost because it lacks the grip that just ensures that it will be profitable for the presence of the to choose green solutions. For what do experiences us about today’s virkemiddelbruk?

Solberg-government preferred instrument in the so-called non-kvotepliktig sector (transport, waste, buildings agriculture), is, according to its own climate plan CO2-fee. Yes, it should cost to pollute, but the increase of taxes, in isolation, provides no greenhouse gas reductions. In any case, whether or not increases will be so large that they threaten corporate competitiveness and existence.

Biodrivstoffpolitikken has given results, but is disputed, and is characterized by constant changes that make it a little predictable for the business community transits to bet on. New changes are announced in the state budget by 2020 in order to ensure more sustainable biofuels. A scarce resource is still scarce. It also affects the price.

Now we have 200 000 electric cars

The first helelektriske the ferry Amp was put into operation in 2014. Now demand green solutions for 70 fergeanbud. But what makes this possible? A prerequisite is that the public customers set ambitious klimakrav and challenge the market. Klimakravene realized by Enova provides support to shore power, while the Business sector’s NOx fund has granted support to engine technology. The NOx fund has granted approval for a support of over 800 million to the electrification of more than 50 of these ferries.

El-cars shows how things can be rolled out with good incentives when the technology becomes available. No bureaucratic søknadsordninger to the various means – only that which is considered to be profitable for the consumer. The downside is, of course, lost provenyeffekter for the state.

the Point is that we need all the solutions, but that it will not be sufficient to meet the ambitions of the time. It then becomes a paradox that instead to grasp the transition with solutions that lies on the table, we get now a new discussion about goals. Left-the leader will increase Norway’s level of ambition from 40 to 55 per cent reductions in emissions in 2030 compared with 1990.

Experience tells us that it costs to readjust. The need to set requirements, at the same time as incentivmodellen works. Our solution is to establish an environmental agreement with the corresponding CO2-fund is the instrument that is missing. There was also a specific recommendation of the Government’s own ekspertutvalg for green competitiveness. Business enthusiasm for getting started, however, encounters little understanding with the Government.

It is incomprehensible.