It was with begravningsmin Netanyahu on Wednesday for the first time touched on the subject publicly. ”We are fully able to take advantage of Israel’s interests alone and ensure that Iran will not threaten us from Syria”, said the prime minister, but disappointment and worry was written in his face. He realizes, along with the syrian language, the other actors, that he now must continue the game with far worse cards in the hand.

Benjamin Netanyahu. Photo: Menahem Kahana/AFP

the united states’s presence, small and limited to a few corners of Syria, was in Trump’s eyes, is merely a practical measure to get to grips with the ICE. It was, for Jerusalem, for the Syrian kurds and the gulf states, a pledge that they alone would shoulder the responsibility to fend off Iran’s schackdrag in Syria and elsewhere. In the event of an emergency, a Russian-israeli or iranian-israeli crisis, the u.s. command – and marinsoldaternas mere presence gave Washington opportunities to back up Israel.

as realpolitisk. The betrayal of the syrian kurds is demoralizing for all of AMERICA’s allies in the region. United states:the concrete task in the north east of Syria was to train the kurds fighting the IS. But more important in kurdish eyes, the united states was function as their life insurance. As long as the U.S. keeps troops on the ground do not dare to Turkey to invade the areas they hold. As long as the US controls the border areas against Iraq, Iran will not send weapons to Lebanon by the way.

In Israel are not lacking analysts who warned that Trumps friendship with Netanyahu and his hostility to the palestinians is no guarantee for deeper strategic cooperation and support. They have now received the water on their mill. Can’t Trump hold two thousand soldiers in Syria, despite all its allies plead for it, he will stand to their aid in a more eldfängd situation.