Anyone can wake up to a white christmas – others have to make do with a frozen puddle. That is how it sounds from DMI about the chances of a nationwide white christmas.

people in north jutland are the ones that have the greatest chance of a white christmas, and they can thank the swedes for.

– There is a rainstorm on the way up and Denmark during those hours, and happens at the same time, it is in the north that the wind comes from Sweden. Over there, there are frosts, and when the cold wind comes to the North, so will the rain to sleet and snow, informs vagtchefen at DMI, Thyge Rasmussen.

It will happen in the course of the evening and the night, that the rain will turn to snow and sleet in the north. Perhaps there will also be a little snedrys in north Sealand late in the night, when the Swedish wind will drag the road.

– It will not be much snow coming to northern Sjælland, so it will probably not be something that lay on the ground. I can imagine, however, that it will put itself in the north, there will be relatively much snow, tells Thyge Rasmussen.

the Rest of Denmark is not for the shots when the cold wind comes from Sweden in the course of Friday, and therefore the other counties settle with the rain.

the Chances that Friday’s snow will be lying in the north of Jutland, is, according to DMI’s vagtchef pretty good. 23. december will they be able to snow again in the northern parts of the country. This snow will have big chances to be lying entirely to christmas eve.

– They will be able to wake up to snow, but it is not certain that it will stay in place all day, in the course of Mondays it becomes, unfortunately, a thaw, laughing vagtchefen.

There is a good chance that you can wake up to a little hint of a christmas spirit in all of Denmark. For the whole country will be affected by the frost of the night.

– So you may well get a feeling of a little bit of white christmas, even where there is no snow. For there can be little frost and ice on the grass and the puddles, so taste it as a bit of a white christmas, says Thyge Rasmussen.

Finally, there was a nationwide white christmas was in 2010, and 2018 is not going to change on this, as it can be up to six degrees celsius in some places in the country on christmas eve.