“The police grateful for support after tragedy”

“A police car voltade during the call-out on Tuesday night and a police officer died. Now thank polisområde Malmö for the support of the public.”

“”Polisområde Malmö to extend a warm and heartfelt thank you to all who supported me, put up with the resources, offered help and support,” writes the police on his website.”

“It was on Tuesday night that a police car voltade during the call-out in Malmö, sweden. One of the cops, a 45-year-old man, died in the accident. Police officers across the country held a minute’s silence on Wednesday. In Malmö, came to sixty police cars in the motorcade and radades up on Drottningtorget square. Now thank polisområde Malmö for the support of the public.”

“Solidarity and respect”

“We know that our grief is shared by many, which was demonstrated not least in the manifestation at the square Drottningtorget in Wednesday, but also at other locations in the region and in the country as well as on the Malmöpolisens social mediekonton,” writes the police on his website.”

“Furthermore, you write about the solidarity, friendship, compassion, and respect shown:”

“”Your support has made the grief a little easier to manage, and the steps forward less heavy.””

“Two people called for by the police after the crash. They both entered themselves on Wednesday night. Now is a 29-year-old suspect in the hit-and-run. The other person was released.”