“Feed the vinterfåglar – that you should think of the”

“the Winter has taken a firm grip around the country on several fronts. A time when many people start feeding birds in the garden.nMen what should you think of? And you can vinterfåglarna not really themselves?”

‘For the birds’ sake, it is a good time to start now, ” says Niklas Aronsson, fågelexpert on the Bird life in Sweden.”

“According to him, back to their ancestors in the 1800s, when christmas used to give some extra food to the animals, and they included often also to the small birds. But today’s practice is a more modern invention.”

“– the Tradition to feed the birds so systematically as we do today, has only existed from the post-war period. It has grown very much in the last 30-40 years, ” says Niklas Aronsson.”

“What then should think about if you want to start feeding birds? First and foremost, needed a place and it is not the easiest thing if you live in rental or condominium.”

“– Where it is very often forbidden to feed the birds. You don’t want it to get rodents.”

“But if you live in condominium or get the okay of your association or landlord, then it is just to put in the time. The next step is to find a device to have the food in.”

“– What I usually recommend is some kind of seed-tube, which has small perches. You should avoid the traditional bird table where the birds sit in the food, ” says Niklas Aronsson and continues:”

” It is important that it does not squirt out too much food on the ground, now if you want to avoid the rodent. For it, it will get otherwise.”

“Then hangs up matanordningen somewhere in the vicinity of the shrubs or trees so that the birds can seek protection. Keep in mind that it should be high enough above the ground to even the spänstigaste of cats will not be able to interfere with the birds ‘ dinner.”

“the Next question is what to give the birds to eat. Even here there are some pitfalls.”

“– A mistake is to buy the named vildfågelblandning. The you can skip. Buy instead pure sunflower seeds or peanuts. There is hemp seed as well, ” says Niklas Aronsson.”

“the Peanuts is to be used for back, either salted or roasted. And shelled sunflower seeds minimizes the spillage on the ground.”

“TT: Will the different birds depending on the food?”

“– To a certain extent. I have written a book about this once, and then I thought that it would be a bigger difference than what it actually is. Most birds like to eat both sunflower seeds and peanuts.”

“you Want to attract larger birds such as woodpecker, stjärtmes and stare suggests Niklas Aronsson also hangs up talgbollar. But take of plastnätet. There are tube-like devices even for talgbollar. You want to attract blackbirds, and sidensvans you can put out half of the apples.”

“– Sidensvansar only eat the apple at the bird feeder. In principle. Though there is always someone sidensvans that eat something else.”

“If you’ve started feeding the birds in winter, must one then continue? It is a resilient myth, if that is the case. But it is not true. The birds have managed themselves in many thousands of years, and the species who stay in Sweden over the winter is well adapted.”

” It’s not so that they would starve to death if we do not feed them. But it is fun. You’ll get more birds in the garden, ” says Niklas Aronsson.”

“To think about at the back.”

“Source: Swedish society for nature conservation”

“the most Common vinterfåglarna 2018”

“Source: the national bird survey”