Who would pay a lot of money to spend his vacation on a busy road junction in the middle of the big city? And then relish in a breath: So good, the air! Ship passengers do this, if you slip to your deck chair on the Deck and not on the sidewalk. There is a fresh sea breeze blows only seemed to be, especially when one has chosen his place behind the chimney: measurements have shown that the burden from fine dust is on a cruise ship is four Times as high as on a busy road junction.

As such, it is a good news that now the Aida Nova, among other things, due to a fire a little too late – start your service on the lake, and once your round the Canary Islands and to Madeira turns As so far only one cruise ship, she moves with polluting liquid natural gas (LNG) and marine diesel just to Start the machine and for the emergency.

So can now ship tourists with a pure Conscience across the sea ride? Yes and no.

The LNG propulsion is a first step in the right direction. He is done, because the attitude of the guests with the growing public criticism of the floating dirt has changed to a skid. Clean is not in demand by the customers, clean the thing running yet.

20% less CO2-Aussstoss

“If you want to take a cruise, then this is the most up to date with the Aida Nova on the environmentally friendly. However, The Aida Nova is the grey among the black sheep,” says Dietmar Oily, transport expert at the nature protection Federation of Germany (Nabu). The Association produces an annual environmental ranking for cruise ships, in the German ship-owners are at the very top – but only with their newest ships. And up on the Aida Nova all hold on to heavy fuel oil as a fuel, most without nitrogen oxide catalysts or soot filters.

Since it is really a good news that, according to the shipping company in the LPG drive of the Aida Nova the emission of nitrogen oxides by up to 80 percent, CO2 emissions by 20 percent reduces. However, the motors could be even better, often escapes the combustion of methane, as well as in the supply chain-from the wellhead to the ship, what harm restore the climate balance: Is to put a lot of methane, diminishes the advantage over Marine-Diesel dramatically. This is less polluting than fuel oil, but is more expensive and is therefore used less.

liquefied natural gas remains a fossil fuel

And there is a hook at the liquefied natural gas: a fossil fuel. It is produced in the USA using controversial Fracking methods, the environmental balance is much more negative. Therefore, the Nabu calls for, in the future, in the ship transport to renewable energies, be it on cruises or freight transport – liquefied petroleum gas may be laudable, but it is only an interim solution.

that could be really environmentally friendly solutions, remains the big question – especially if shipping companies are not forced to make them at all seriously. Maybe they will sometime, but again the sail. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 21.12.2018, 13:49 Uhr