I think that the streets of Malmö to bid on shootings. Instead, I find a 500-note on the pavement. Probably God wants to reward me for that I, contrary to my liberal beliefs, voted for the Socialists to stop fascism. I immediately sets bunny on the money by buying godhetsknark. A smug warmth spreading in my body when I swishat 500 bucks to the Red cross. I feel extremely kind, as if I injected gingerbread, and forget that I don’t usually give something to the Bulgarian woman who had been sitting outside the Coop for four years.

” It feels bad to see the beggar may be pleased to learn that the Supreme administrative court in the week gave skåne Vellinge right that in some areas prohibit begging in order to ”maintain public order”. It is unclear how the order is disturbed by that poor stretches out a hand. Still planning for seven municipalities in the Stockholm county to impose a similar ban.

for such a serious restriction of personal freedom is surprising. Prohibition is a socialist thing. Freedom is a moderate (so it was at least in the past). That even the Christian democrats can think of local ban on begging is even stranger. They claim to work for “democracy built on a christian view of humans and values”. Although it has a lot of violence, hatred and oppression through the years has been built on christian values. But even if the Fan read the Bible he would come to any other conclusion than that it is important to be kind to the poor.

According to the gospel of Luke told of Jesus for the disciples of the beggar Lazarus sat outside a rich man’s port. Eventually both died two. The kingdom of god were scorched by the fire of hell, while the beggar softade in the sky. When the rich man asked for mercy, he received this reply: ”remember, my child, that you received your good things while you lived, as well as Lazarus his evil. Now he has found consolation here, while you are tormented.”

Proverbs in the Bible says, ”he that gives unto the poor shall not lack but he that hideth his eyes have many a curse”. In other words it is difficult to combine christian values with a ban on begging.

”But the beggars are organised by criminal syndicates that run around in a Mercedes”, says you. ”It is better to help them in their home countries.” May it be so. In the catholic journal Signum writes, however, ” Anders Ekenberg that the church father John Chrysostom already in the 400’s in Constantinople with the following words rebuked the rich who felt that they understood the poor: ”A person who is honoured finds greatest pleasure in the to get the hedersbevisning he or she requests, not the one we find best.”

to donate a buck to a charity, or to a beggar holding up the sign ”Need cash for pot”, should I therefore choose the latter option.

In the Old testament, destroys the God of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah because they were living in sin. According to Ezekiel 16:49 God was also angry that the people there lost their empathy: ”Look, this was your sister, the Punishment of the iniquity: even though the highness, and abundance of idleness was in her hand, and she gave, nevertheless, not the poor and needy.”

It can be discussed if we swedes are living in sin. Compared with other countries, we are living anyway in the highness, and abundance of idleness. So I wonder what happens if Jesus decides to make a comeback on his birthday. What will he have to say about tiggeriförbudet?

”Now, Annie Lööf to pay the bill for their no”, DN wrote the other day. I am not a theologian, but there is probably a risk that Vellingeborna, the Conservatives, the Supreme administrative court and the so-called Christian democrats may pay a bill. If they want to be secure that Allah will not cause it to rain fire and brimstone for christmas, they should pull back tiggeriförbudet and fill in their karmakonton by swisha to the Red cross on 900 80 95.

Read more chronicles of Fredrik Strage , for example, that the new satanisterna has become borderless wimpy.