30 years Ago, crashed a Boeing 747 over the small Scottish town of Lockerbie. For the act of terrorism, a Libyan secret agent was convicted. But the investigation is ongoing.

pan am flight 103 was launched 30 years ago today in London-Heathrow the destination is New York. 25 minutes later, at 19.03 PM, when the Boeing 747 flew in to the Scottish air space, there was the last radio contact. Shortly thereafter, burning parts fell on the Scottish town of Lockerbie. They destroyed houses. Fire spread. The first emergency language by mistake from a gas explosion.

“When we arrived, layers of wreckage everywhere,” recalled one firefighter. “It reeked of kerosene. It was burning – it was an Inferno, that’s terrible.” After five minutes, the rescue would have known forces, that they couldn’t do anything. “The corpses were, there were no Survivors,” said the fireman.

destruction in Lockerbie after the crash of a Boeing 747 in 1988. 270 people died. Including eleven residents of the small Scottish town.

“Clear evidence of high-explosive explosives”

270 people died. Including eleven residents of Lockerbie were. The investigators believed only to a technical Defect of the machine. However, on the following Christmas eve, the head of the investigation Commission, said: “The parts of a Luggage container show clear evidence of a highly explosive explosives.”

It was an act of terrorism. The subsequent investigations identified a Samsonite suitcase in which the explosives had been found. He had been abandoned by any of the passengers on Board. Maybe the suitcase from Malta arrived, it was in Frankfurt in the pan am feeder flight to be transhipped and landed in Heathrow, finally, in the Luggage compartment of the Jumbo jet to New York.

investigators at the crash site. A Samsonite suitcase was found with the explosives.

“When we arrived, layers of wreckage everywhere,” recalled one firefighter.

More than two billion dollars of Gaddaffi

A Scottish court convicted in 2001 that the Libyan secret agent Abdel Basset Ali al-Megrahi to life imprisonment. In 2009, the cancer was pardoned ill Megrahi, and was able to leave Libya. He died in may 2012 and had denied to the last any responsibility for the assassination.

The Libyan government has paid more than two billion dollars in compensation to the families of the Lockerbie victims. In return, the United States and the United Nations lifted the trade sanctions against the country. The payment was more of a Deal than an admission of guilt of Gaddafi.

With sniffer dogs searched for the security forces to draw attention to the cause of the crash. The investigations are still not completed.

traces in Iran and to the Front for the liberation of Palestine

Because it could have been quite different. There are traces in Iran. And in Germany, the BKA, BND and constitutional found protection indications that the perpetrators may have come from the Front for the liberation of Palestine.

The Scottish authorities have not at least completed 30 years after the terrorist attack investigations. Megrahis former lawyer Aamer Anwer, who represents numerous survivors of the victims, seeks to further the resumption of the proceedings, and at the same time, the British and the Americans serious allegations. “Lockerbie is still the most serious terrorist attack in the UK,” says Anwer. “A Modification of the judgment would mean that the British and the American government for 30 years, a monumental lie, and the False imprisoned. Therefore, the intelligence agencies are trying so desperately to cover up the truth.”

Clear the consequences for passengers are: Since the Lockerbie bombing are allowed to take planes, no unaccompanied baggage on Board. The previously lax security controls have become significantly sharper.

30 years of Lockerbie still open questions
Jens-Peter Marquardt, ARD London
21.12.2018 09:56 PM

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30 years on Lockerbie – still open questions, Jens-Peter Marquardt, ARD London |audio Atlas |UK |London
