The Terror has made the news. Shortly before Christmas, the main holiday time of the year, there is a growing fear of attacks on German airports. Possibly maliciously-some men have spied a few days ago, the Airports of Paris and Stuttgart. Now the German Federal police, Germany has reinforced far the security measures – also at the capital airports, where today, many open in the holiday at home.

In Berlin there is a new consultant-affair. In addition to defence Minister Ursula von der Leyen, who is also her former Cabinet colleague Alexander Dobrindt by acute “Berateritis now”. As transport Minister, he was around 48 million euros for external expertise transfer, as my colleague Fabian Löhe has researched. The money paid Dobrindt for advice to toll. A good investment? This question arises in the Ministry of transport, apparently, no one. At the conclusion of consultant contracts to perform “internal audits,” it says. Good advice is expensive.

scandal on Amazon

Helpful tips can also use the SPD Leader Andrea Nahles. You must meet the 2019 important “decisions”, – stated in the Willy-Brandt-Haus. In February, the Executive Board is to define the new course of the party. Right after new year’s eve Nahles will have to try to unite the fractious camp. In the case of Hartz IV, this is possible, says an Insider from the left wing. There are problems with the Russia of the critical-rate of the foreign Minister, Heiko Maas. The upset many Enjoyed. And then there is the issue of Migration: Many members of the immigration skeptical. The separates the base from the officials. At the Board retreat that will play but not a big role, says a spokesman. If the election year is 2019 best riding?

election campaigns are held often online. How vulnerable users of Social media, prove the data scandals in Facebook. The policy of waking up. That it happens in the case of Shopping platforms is different, shows Amazon. A buyer wanted to view their customer data. He got the “Alexa”-voice recordings of other customers. A serious violation of privacy. The CDU member of German Parliament Marc Henrich man is now bringing sanctions against Amazon into the game. FDP parliamentary group Deputy Frank Sitta accused the Federal government, to the neglect of data protection. The backgrounds you will read in our “decision briefing, the daily mirror Background of digitalization & KI”.

daily mirror tomorrow location


Now, as the year draws to an end, it is operating in the Capital of calm. The Bundestag is almost empty of people, MPs and Ministers to return home to their families. The capital city, location makes a break. To 7. In January, the daily mirror tomorrow’s location will be displayed in a compact Form, with News, viewpoint, and Background. The Team of the morning location wishes you a merry Christmas!

The capital situation of Mary Fiedler and her Team is part of the daily mirror-Morning, the news summary for policy-makers. Free of charge, you can register here. In our Podcast “Five minutes in Berlin”, explains Maria Fiedler also, what is it in the Capital.

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Amazon-Panne customer received a stranger Alexa-voice recording