Who can not like a good toast with a proper game melted cheese and a piece of tasty ham?

But no matter how much you love it collapsed toasted bread, so it will most likely be liiiige over the top for most to pay 4100 euros – or the equivalent of 30.600 Danish kroner – to get the ham in the sandwich.

nevertheless, it is exactly what you must do if you want to have a piece of the world’s most expensive ham, which is produced on a small farm in the south west of Spain.

It writes the BBC.

The absurdly high price means that the ham is so expensive that it has been recorded in the Guiness Rekordbog as the most expensive in the entire world.

It is also no coincidence that it is just Spain that can boast of producing the world’s most expensive ham. The country is extremely excited for the jamón (the Spanish word for ham, ed.), that has been one of their favorite foods for at least 2000 years.

According to the british media consume the Spanish population annually no less than 160.000 tons of ham, which is cut from the bagpartiet on the bastard, while the country’s exports of food also is constantly on the increase.

The most expensive ham in the world comes from black iberian pigs and is produced by a the pig industry, both by the name of Eduardo Donato.

He moved in 1989 to Jabugo from Catalonia to live a life in silence, but when he saw his neighbors breed pigs, he got the taste for it.

In 1995, he bought the ten iberian pigs, but unlike his neighbors, he chose, however, to breed his pigs organically and without any kind of hormone-injections or similar, as many pig farmers would otherwise use to get pigs to grow faster, which was previously the norm.

in Addition, the now 70-year-old Eduardo Donato so lucky that his farm is located in the UNESCO-protected area of ‘Sierra de Aracene and Picos de Aroche Natural Park’, which means that the environment is well-protected, and that it is something near impossible for the other pig farmers to raise pork in the same quality.

The black iberian pig is also considered to be of the best quality, because they have a more distinctive taste than the more pink conspecifics.

to make the pork extra good use more Spanish pig farmers of a particular trick, where the pigs for at least 61 days of the year only gets to eat fresh grass and acorns that fall from the trees.

According to the BBC, the Spanish population even so discerning when it comes to their pigs, to the authorities in 2014 introduced a colour system in the supermarkets, which shows how good quality the meat is. A black label means that the pork is of the highest quality.

So even though you would probably not have 30,000 dollars in profits to the world’s most expensive ham, it may well pay to buy one or the other right with the ham, the next time you travel to Spain.