“No one can accuse Pamela of to pick simple arguments:”

“It started with a tweet a couple of weeks ago, where Pamela Anderson – yes, THE Pamela Anderson – commented on the clashes between the Yellow vests and police in the centre of Paris.”

“I abhor violence, but what is the violence from all these people, and the burnt lyxbilarna compared with the structural violence from the French – and global – elite?” tweeted Pam and published at the same time a post on her blog where she educational put the flash light on the klassaspekten of the French popular revolt. “

“It took a little while before the internet downloaded itself.”

“Since moving to France a few years ago, where she lives together with the footballer Adil Rami – she became a wag* first, in her fifties – has Pamela Anderson stepped up her political activism, at the same time as she keeps life in the more glamorous parts of her celebrity. During the autumn, she has interspersed his participation in French ”Let’s dance” with slurs against all possible political targets – but the most comfortable.”

“In the French presidentvalrörelsen she gave vänsterkandidaten Jean-Luc Mélenchon his blessing, and to make themselves really impossible in the united states, she has long been struggling to give Wikileaks founder Julian Assange redress. Pam is also, by his own admission, in contact with the Kremlin and has, among other things, said that americans are ”programmed to blame everything bad in Russia.” More? She declares herself as a feminist, but has criticised the Metoo-the movement to remove responsibility from the women themselves and call it new-wave feminism for the ”terribly boring”.”

“to devote themselves To småpolitiska gambit is not unusual for Hollywood-the flowers of evil, or even before this sexsymboler in the united states. It belongs rather to the and often follows a well known template: To tone down its sexualkapital, is campaigning for Hillary Clinton supports same-sex marriage by posting pictures where you hug with Ellen DeGeneres.”

“Pamela Anderson has done, in principle, on the contrary. She is still delightfully 90-talssnygg with the blonde thatch and some of the least opportuna – and most radical – opinions one may have as a celebrity.”

“To say that Pamela Anderson’s activism sexualiserats through the years is an understatement. She is rumored to returning to be the mistress to both Assange and Vladimir Putin, and after a war of words recently, with the former Baywatch-baben on Twitter wrote the Italian minister of the interior Matteo Salvini that he would prefer her in a swimsuit. When she a few days following were interviewed in Rolling Stone slammed Pamela Anderson: ”Trump, Bolsonaro, Salvini – call them what you want, it is still fascism”, referring, inter alia, to the author, Umberto Eco’s famous essay on the subject. In the pictures to the interview she wears a corset where only the nipples are covered.”

“Of the week brought together so the american radical vänstermagasinet Jacobin Pamela Anderson with the philosopher Srećko Horvat for an interview. When the call reached the brexit argued, Pam, who is James Corbyn supporter since before it became trendy, to the EU must be reformed fundamentally: ”But to draw back and make way for nationalist tendencies is not an option. The only path to freedom is a common struggle for the non-privileged, there are also foreign workers,” hit the Anderson firm and said that she had been able to negotiate a better agreement than Theresa Mays ”stupid deal”.”

“No one can blame Pamela Anderson for picking simple political gain. In an era of identity politics and the red carpet-feminism sounds the most iconic blonde in all material respects as a sjuttiotalsmarxist in manchesterkavaj. When the nineties are calling, it will be very surprised.”

“*wag – wife or girlfriend (”wives and girlfriends”) to sports stars.”