today arrested moroccan police, three men they believe are behind the killings on the Norwegian Maren Ueland (28) and the Danish Louisa Vesterager Jespersen (24). The three men were apprehended on a bus which was on way away from Marrakech city this morning.

Later on Thursday emerged of a video that supposedly should be of the suspects of the president, in front of it that looks like a ICE-flag. The four on the video swear allegiance to the ICE. Nothing of what is said can be directly related to the dobbeltdrapet.

SUSPECTS: A video circulating on social media to allegedly show the four men who are suspected of the killings on the Norwegian Maren and Danish Louisa. Photo: Screenshot View more E-service connected

the Government of Morocco has not officially confirmed that it is the terrorists who killed the Norwegian Maren Ueland (28) and the Danish Louisa Vesterager Jespersen (24) in the mountains south of Morocco.

the Norwegian authorities fully mobilised to assist the investigation in Morocco. Kripos has investigators in Morocco, which can assist the moroccan police. At the same time working the police in Norway to obtain information that may have relevance for the investigation.

– If our son really has done this, he is no longer our son,

Dagbladet and verified that the secret Norwegian utenlandstjenesten E-service jobs in order fully to survey the situation in Morocco and the rest of North Africa.

the E-service is the premier premissleverandøren to the ministry of Foreign affairs which, among other things, provides norwegians travel advice.

TENT TO THE SUSPECTS: This tent should belong to the three people who are suspected and arrested for having been behind the killings on the Norwegian and the Danish woman in Morocco. Video: Show more Islamists

In Denmark, Politiets Efterretningstjeneste (Danish security police) who keep contact and assist the moroccan authorities in drapsetterforskningen. Norwegian police is organised differently, therefore, it is Anders and not the PST (Police security service) which has the formal responsibility for the contact with Morocco in the dobbeltdrapssaken.

ASSISTS: PST-chief Benedicte Bjørnland confirms that the PST assist in the investigation of dobbeltdrapet, but don’t want to say anything about what the contribution is. Photo: Scandpix Show more

Both the newly appointed politidirektør and outgoing PST-chief Benedicte Bjørnland and prime minister Erna Solberg has been clear that it cannot be determined that there are islamic terrorists – associated with known islamic extremist terrorist organizations like The islamic State (IS) or al-Qaeda that is the heinous murders of Mary Ueland from the Whetstone and Danish Louisa Vestager Jespersen.

Politically motivated

Communications director Trond Hugubakken in PST also takes it subject that it’s not officially confirmed that it is the terrorists who are behind the killings, and that it is an act of terrorism – that is to say that the action (killings) are committed from a political motive.

On a general basis I can say that PST considers ISIL (also known under the name ICE, red.anm.) and al-Qaida is weakened. ISIL has lost its central position in Syria and Iraq. The caliphate has fallen. Terrororganisasjonen have lost large parts of the area they controlled, ” says Hugubakken in PST to the Newspaper.

Norwegian researcher warns: Fewer attacks, but dangerous to believe that the terrorist threat is less Dagbladet Plus Terrorfare

But despite the fact that the extreme islamist terrorist organisations is weakened. still living fiendebildet and propaganda of ISIL further. The message from the terrororganisasjonen to their sympathizers are attacking the goal with simple methods and means, says Hugubakken.

DANGER: Kommunikasjonsdirektrø Trond Hugubakken in PST believe it still is terrorfare in Norway. Photo: Gunnar Hultgreen / Dagbladet Show more

– How does the PST on terrorfaren in the Uk?

– in General, our assessment is that Norway does not stand out as a special target, Other european countries are more prominent in the fiendebildet the extreme islamist terrorist organisations, ” says the communications director.

at the same time, Hugubakken that there is still the danger of terrorist acts on Norwegian soil.

– The extreme islamist environment in Norway is significantly compromised, in relation to the period of 2012 and until 2015. Nevertheless, it is still possible that it can be tried performed an act of terrorism on Norwegian soil, says Trond Hugubakken to the Newspaper.

DEATHS: prime Minister Erna Solberg expressed her deepest compassion for the families and friends of the Norwegian Maren Ueland (28) and the Danish Louisa Vesterager Jespersen (24) who was found brutally killed in Morocco on Monday this week. Video: NTB Scanpix Show more act of Terrorism

Although neither prime minister Erna Solberg or politidirektør Benedicte Bjørnland will establish that the killings in Morocco was an act of terrorism, is Denmark’s prime minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen more clearly.

Thursday morning, said Rasmussen at a press conference in Copenhagen:

“This seems to be an act of terrorism”.

DIRECT: Denmark’s prime minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen holds press conference in connection with the killings in Morocco. Video: NTB Scanpix Show more

Lars Løkke Rasmussen, the assessments shall be based on the information from the Politiets Efterretningstjeneste, Denmark and information from the moroccan authorities.

Here they were apprehended. – The people on board cried