The London Gatwick airport has remained on Thursday after the drone sightings continue to be blocked. The Europe’s seventh largest Airport, announced via Twitter. Passengers were called, to arrive, to assure without first with your Airline that your flight actually takes place.

The police in the County of Sussex, described the interference as “intentional action” that will bind with all available means. Evidence of a terrorist Background, there is no.

On Wednesday evening, all take-offs and landings were suspended until Further notice, after a drone was spotted flying over the airfield. Many passengers were stuck for hours in your home clear of machine while incoming aircraft away to – some hundreds of kilometers of airports were diverted. In the early hours of the morning of Thursday the operation had been taken up briefly again, but then again been stopped.

The drone had showed up in the night to Thursday, “and disappeared, appeared and disappeared,” said Airport CEO Chris Woodroofe the channel Sky News in the Morning. “While I am here and we are talking about is a drone over my flying field,” says Woodroofe.

An airport spokesman, according to should be alone on Wednesday night to 10,000 passengers of the disruption at Gatwick have been affected. A further 110,000 people should arrive on Thursday by the UK’s second largest Airport of departure or at the airport.

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Rainer W. During

disabilities by drones are also at German airports, anything other than unknown. The Deutsche Flugsicherung (DFS), were reported this year up to and including November 152 disabilities. In the previous record year of 2017, there were only 88 cases. (dpa)