Copenhagen’s oldest church is found in the town hall square.

It writes the Danish newspaper Politiken and TV2 Lorry.

It is in connection with the metrobyggeriet in front of the Copenhagen city Hall, archaeologists have found the form in which the great bell for the church was cast.

According to the museum curator at the Museum Jane Jark Jensen, you know, that special summoned klokkestøbere in the period in the middle ages cast the bells there, where the church was.

– Found by klokkestøberiet tells us that we have found Copenhagen’s oldest church in the area, says Jane Jark Jensen, Politiken.

Photo credit: the Museum of Copenhagen

the Church is from between the years 1000 and 1100.

In april published the museum, that one had found a stone foundations, which could be the foundation for a church. But the museum dare at the time did not announce something officially out.

In 2011, the archaeologists found 20 graves with skeletons under the ground. Later it was found further 40 dig. The discoveries suggested that there might have been a church.

– We of course had found the graves and a piece of stone foundations, but the latter could be interpreted as a meetinghouse, there will be able to be questioned, says Jane Jark Jensen, Politiken.

– Found by klokkestøbergruben tells us that there has been a church on the spot, she says.

They had first found this stone foundations, but you dare not alone on the background to conclude that there had been a church. Photo: the Museum of Copenhagen

It is archaeologists from the Museum of Copenhagen, in the context of a ledningsforsøg have done found beneath the central square in Copenhagen.

According to TV2 Lorry can be found to rewrite the history of Copenhagen.

It has long been the perception that Copenhagen at that time was a small fishing village.

And in the history books, there has so far been, to bishop Absalon later founded the city.

According to the culture – and leisure mayor Fransciska Rosenkilde (AL), tells of discoveries such as this that the history of the city, is far from complete.

– But it also shows a dynamic side of the city’s history, which testifies to Copenhagen many years back was a developing town inhabited by the innovative people, she says to TV2 Lorry.