Russian President Vladimir Putin sees a positive development of the economy of his country. The real income of the population started to increase in 2018, for the first time again, of 0.5 percent, said Putin on Thursday in Moscow at the beginning of his annual press conference. The gross domestic product (GDP) grew in the first ten months of 1.7 per cent. For the full year, a growth of 1.8 percent is expected. The annual inflation rate is expected to be 4.1 per cent, slightly higher than expected, said the Kremlin chief. Russia is aiming for according to Putin, to become economically one of the Top Nations. Russia could become the fifth largest economy in the world.

Putin read the Figures before he began to answer the questions of the journalists. Putin spoke about the hope that the planned and the population is extremely unpopular VAT increase will remain a unique event.

he Also stressed to a question, the threat of nuclear war should not be underestimated. Putin criticized the fact that there are currently no talks on the limitation of missile armaments. The lowering of the nuclear threshold could lead to a global catastrophe. Russia is not seeking military Superiority, but for equality.

Putin the Ukrainian government accuses the chief provocation of election tactics before

in addition, Putin accused Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, as well as with the incident in the Strait of Kerch deliberately provoked in order to improve his chances in the election campaign.

daily mirror tomorrow location


of The press conferences the end of the year usually last for several hours. According to the Kremlin, a record number of 1700 journalists registered this Time.

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(dpa, reuters)