Green party leader Anna Lena Baerbock want to prefer to offenders, deportation of asylum applicants in the case of deportation. On a Crime quickly verdict and prison would follow. “That happens when prosecutors and judges.” At the same time she criticized in an Interview with the SZ the green Minister-President Kretschmann for its “sharper rhetoric” in the refugee debate. the Constanze von Bullion, Berlin Constanze von Bullion

Constanze von Bullion is in the Parliament, editors of the SZ in Berlin, responsible for the Federal Ministry of the interior and the Green. She has studied history and has been working since 1999 for the Süddeutsche Zeitung.

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follow may calls for The Federal Chairman of the Green more consistent in dealing with rejected asylum seekers who commit in Germany, repeated acts of violence, but so far still remain in the country. “Delinquent asylum seekers, who do not accept our legal order and enforceable required to leave the country, should be a priority for deportation,” said Anna Lena Baerbock of the süddeutsche Zeitung. Preferably, the Refugees must be shown to be integrated in Germany, well, had the rule of law at the time of departure subject to multiple offenders “consistently gripping”. This applies, in particular, in the case of sexual offenders.

Freiburg was raped in October of a student by several men. Most of the suspects are Syrians. The main suspect is considered to be intensive culprits and should have been detained, which, however, remained. Elsewhere in Germany there were multiple offences of rejected asylum seekers.

This was not acceptable, said Baerbock. “We must use the legal instruments that we have, the better.” On a Crime quickly verdict and prison would follow. “That happens when prosecutors and judges.” For some offenders the impression that violence is something, no consequences arise. Necessary criminal procedures legal Collection and significantly more resources for the judiciary, as the Federal government says. “We need 400 million euros a year for at least ten years.”

Baerbock criticised “Black-and-White Painting” in the refugee debate

The Federal Chairman of the Green party has welcomed a move by the 16 Minister presidents of the Länder. They had announced on the Initiative of the Union-ruled countries recently, to want tougher rules for the deportation of Intensive and multiple offenders prevail. Also necessary is a lowering of the criminal threshold should be, from the deportations possible, it said.

you don’t share all the goals of this Initiative support the project but, in principle, so Baerbock. “It’s a very small part of the Refugees, the damage to the many refugees and people engaged in refugee assistance,” she said. The vast majority of migrants with a toleration is acting in compliance with the law. Who’s efforts do, but all the integration is broken, am in the case of offences “not to the village, but in jail”, in the case of other offences notification requirements were necessary.

be deportations “a painful subject” for her party, said Baerbock. However, anyone who wants to get the fundamental right to asylum, is no getting around the enforcement of the rule of law. Asylum seekers should be made clear that the right to self-determination for women in Germany was out of the question. “Nothing legitimizes violence against women,” said the party boss. In the heated immigration debate also help “Black-and-White-Painting”. So she was also in Baden-württemberg, the green Minister-President Winfried Kretschmann. This had warned after the rape in Freiburg in front of “young men hordes”.