The two men – a 32-year-old belgians and a 33-year-old britt – suspected of multiple intrusions on the naval base Muskö, south of Stockholm, during the past weekend. Häktningsförhandlingrana held before the Södertörn district court.

the reasons suspected for the undue access to the administration, ” said Karin Rosander, director of communications at the Prosecutor’s office, to TT. The classification of the offence is unauthorised access to the administration, which, after a lagskärpning that followed in the summer can lead to a fine or imprisonment for a maximum of two years.

Prosecutor Hans-Jörgen Hanström confirms that the men are suspected to have entered the base on several occasions, but do not want to leave more details.

Lars Hurtig, the lawyer for one of the men, said that his client denies the crime:

– Personally, I think you have överreagerat quite heavily and pulled off a device that feels ridiculous, ” says Hurtig to the TT.

the Prosecutor’s office writes in a press release that the criminal prosecution must be brought no later than 19 december, and to ”the parties at today’s häktningsförhandling is coated with yppandeförbud, why no further information can be provided for the time being”.

the men during interrogation indicated that they are very interested in bunkeranläggningar. They say they travel around to visit the abandoned ones, and should have studied the pictures of the Muskö on the internet. They then got the impression that the naval base was the dmz and abandoned.

a Few times between 30 november and shortly after midnight against the december 2 stated they have been through or over the fence to Musköbasen, according to the prosecutor’s häktningsframställan.

A guard called their attention and made firing a warning shot to get them to comply.

Lawyer: Arrested for infringing on Musköbasen tourists

was Musköbasen – requested-detained