Preliminary accident rates shows that the number of fatalities in the year is a bit lower than normal.

It appears a press release from the Danish road directorate.

When the end of the year, about 175 persons have lost their lives in traffic on the Danish roads, says the forecast.

– We have just now heading for a relatively low number of fatalities on the roads here at home. Each fatality is, however, still a killing too much, and therefore we must continue the targeted work to improve the domestic road safety, says Marianne Foldberg Steffensen, head of the Directorate trafiksikkerhedsafdeling.

She tells that it is typically inattention and inadequate orientation, which is a factor in road accidents.

More cars get built-in new technology such as, for example, a afstandsrobot, which ensures you keep a sensible distance to each other.

And the kind of can help to save lives, ” says Stefan Søsted, who is the director of the Færdselsstyrelsen, in the press release.

– Inattention in traffic is a serious uheldsfaktor, but better road safety is achieved not only by affecting our behavior, when we sit behind the wheel. Also technological, we can contribute to greater road safety.

Around 3000 come annually to the injury in traffic, and the numbers have, according to the Danish road directorate remained stable in recent years.

The 175 traffic fatalities in the year is approximately at the level of the number in 2015 and 2017 and slightly higher than in 2012, which, until now, is the year with fewest fatalities in Denmark, since ulykkesstatistikken started in the 1930s.

the accident figures derived from the Directorate ulykkesstatistik made on the basis of reports of road accidents from the police.

Figures for 2018 would only be finally determined in may 2019, and is therefore an estimate from the preliminary figures.