“Politicians should not determine the salaries”

“exactly 80 years ago was a piece of Swedish history”

“Aftonbladet’s leader board is the independent social democrat.”

“exactly 80 years ago was a small piece of Swedish history. When signed, namely, the president of LO August Lindberg and the Swedish Arbetsgivarföreningens leaders Sigfrid Edström an agreement which is still the basis for the Swedish labour market model.”

“In the history books it has been called] Instead, after a wintery Grand Hotel in the posh archipelagic society.”

“Politicians should keep away.”

“Simply put, one could say that the agreement stated that the state and politicians should keep themselves away from the labour market and wage formation. The can unions and employers – the social partners – to manage better themselves. The idea was revolutionary in a Europe that was characterized by authoritarian and totalitarian regimes. But it worked, and still works.”

“In Sweden, it can feel like a matter of course that the politicians should not be determining wages and working conditions. It is not if we have eyes. And we don’t need to go far away.”

“just a few weeks ago, burned the streets of Paris and other French cities, and one of the demonstrators’ slogans was precisely that the president would raise the minimum wage.”

“Reluctantly went to Emmanuel Macron on the requirement in an attempt to quell the anger.”

“An odd bird in Europe”

“IN the EU is the Swedish förhandlingsmodellen an odd bird. The Swedish representatives of employers, trade union leaders and politicians, who must continually explain why state arbetsmarknadsregleringar can’t apply to Sweden.”

“even worse is perhaps that the Swedish politicians – often without their own experience from the world of work – now find it difficult to understand how things work. The last government is said to have run aground on precisely this, that the Centre party has not wanted to submit the issue of employment protection to the parties. And the Alliance’s so-called ”Inträdesjobb” would become a pure lönelag, which also set a ceiling for how much some people can get paid.”

“very much has changed since 1938. But for our country it is still a good idea to politician Annie Lööf keeps your fingers away from wage formation and working conditions. It takes care of unions and employers, the better.”