“They have 35 days – otherwise it will be a new election”

“the President presses Leaves and Kristersson to finally become clear.”

“Now Löfven and Kristersson a maximum of 35 days to show that they are adults their task.”

“Otherwise it will be a new election. In april. “

“It has been 101 days since the election. The party leaders have been running, day and night, for a very long time since the election campaign started some time in april and they have not rested since then.”

“They are so exhausted. They have tunnel vision. They are just like any other genomtrötta people egocentrerade. And they are convinced that the environment is against them and they themselves are the only ones that see clearly.”

“The mental status of partiledarlägret is, even if there are variations, in other words pretty bad.”

“They really need some time off. Eat a ham sandwich, take a walk, talk with your family about your and datt, simply be that people are the most in a couple of days.”

“Therefore, it is absolutely the right of the president to shoot the next vote on who should become the next prime minister after new year.”

“It had been possible to have the third of in total four possible statsministeromröstningar on Friday. But the president is doing, most likely entirely correct, assessment that it is pointless.”

“the Prospect of Stefan Löfven, or Ulf Kristersson, the of them the president had decided to propose, had been voted down on the same grounds as earlier in the autumn is imminent. Not to say 100%.”

“And what had the vote then earned? Absolutely nothing. Everything had continued to stand and stomp in the exact same spot as before.”

“Now, the parties have, read the Leaves and Kristersson, scored in the first hand 26 days to cobble together a government, or an intergovernmental cooperation. On January 16, owns 2019 the first statsministeromröstning room.”

“given that both christmas and new year holiday falls during this period, it is not the input time. Many of the old positions must be abandoned, rows of compromises concluded for Sweden to get a government.”

“But anyone who thinks that the president released the field freely is wrong. During the supposedly friendly surface is claws extended. Andreas Norlén has a ready-made timetable that extends until the end of april and it will be fulfilled.”

“On 16 January, the third, of a total of four possible, statsministeromröstningar to take place. Two days earlier, he will lay his proposals.”

“is Voted down there will be another vote a week later. Voted also this proposal down, it becomes automatically a new election, likely in late april.”

“the President is keen that the extra choice, if it becomes current, is held as early as possible. Already on 26 may it is time for a regular election, then to the EUROPEAN parliament.”

“It is easy to feel sympathy for the president’s desire to force the process, it has already taken too long. “

“But it comes to balance right. Was he on too much, the risk is imminent that the lockups that the impossibility of a new government in the autumn of consists.”

“the President wants to avoid early elections. An absolute majority of the parties, read all except The sweden democrats, also want to avoid an additional choice.”

“It is not only an eminently reasonable position. It is also önskansvärd. The parties may not order an election result that goes in line with their wishes. They’ll deal with the voters ‘ judgment, regardless of how it looks.”

“they have not been able to make in the fall, at least not at the national level. It is pitifully. Now they have a maximum of 35 days to prove that they are adults the task. Otherwise there will be two choices instead of one. “

“Join our opinionspanel you also.”

“you Want to be with and respond to Inizios studies where we find out what the Swedish people think about various issues? Results are presented, inter alia, in the newspaper Aftonbladet. It is voluntary to answer, you are anonymous and can go out whenever you want. Click on the link to sign up.”

“presses the president Leaves and Kristersson.”

“december 28: interim Report to the president.”

“January 4: New progress report to the president.”

“January 10: Final progress report to the president.”

“14 January: New talmansrunda. The president proposes Löfven or Kristersson to the prime minister.”

“January 16: the Third statsministeromröstningen in the parliament.”

“January 21 (ev): the President’s last proposal for a new prime minister.”

“January 23 (ev): the Fourth statsministeromröstningen.”

“april 21 (ev): Last day for extra options.”