As the australian Justine Zampogna in august, got to know that her tiny, unborn daughter’s brain had stopped growing, she was given a choice.

She could either choose to end the pregnancy in 16. week or to go the entire pregnancy with her daughter, as the maximum would be alive for a few hours after birth. It writes the Media Drum World.

A bulge on Justines belly had just begun to peep forth, when the family got the worst news. Photo: MDWfeatures / Justine Zampogna

Justine Zampogna and her husband, Ty, have been together since they were 16 years old, and in 2016, they had their first child, Chase.

In april this year they began to try to become pregnant again, and after a short time they were ecstatic when they found out that Justine Zampogna was pregnant with a little girl. The unborn child quickly got the name Gigi.

But after forældreparret was scanned in 14. week of pregnancy, they got the worst message they could imagine.

For no matter what they chose, would Gigi do not survive.

16 weeks pregnant took Justine Zampogna a pill. The same week she gave birth to her daughter.

As the 28-year-old australian mother and her husband Ty, weeping, kissed their tiny daughter good-bye, it was not the tears, the tears came not because of the parting. They came when they realized that now was the small Gigi away. Photo: MDWfeatures / Justine Zampogna

Forældreparret now fighting a battle against ’the lonely tab, as many parents, according to them, suffer when they lose children before the due date. Photo: MDWfeatures / Justine Zampogna

The australian mother has chosen to share his family’s story on his blog and via his Instagram page, because she has noticed that very few dare to talk about the grief of losing a child during pregnancy.

– taking the pill is probably the toughest I’ve ever done in my entire life, tells Justine Zampogna to the Media Drum World.

Justine and Ty have been together since they were 16 years old. Photo: MDWfeatures / Justine Zampogna

– It was so hard to swallow the pill, because I knew what it did, she continues.

By being open about its losses, the 28-year-old mother experienced that she has had it easier to process his grief. The mission to help other parents not to have to suffer in silence, has given her a kind of purpose.

the Couple’s son, Chase, never reached to meet his little sister, Gigi. It was he who had found on his unborn sister’s name, since the parents had proposed the name ‘Gia’. Photo: MDWfeatures / Justine Zampogna

– The more I heal, the more I realize that what happened with us, is beautiful. I cried during the whole birth, but my tears did not come to say goodbye, they came to realize that she was gone. It was so achingly beautiful and it was just the ending we needed. I felt that after all we had been through, deserved our own little fødselshistorie, says Justine Zampogna.

Though it was the hardest, Justine Zampogna ever been through, she found it beautiful in parting with his little daughter. Photo: MDWfeatures / Justine Zampogna

Her dear, little soul had not spent more than a day on earth, but she touched my heart so deeply. What is love in its most traumatic and yet pure form. We only had a brief moment together, but at the moment, we were bound together for life.

Justine Zampogna has chosen to share his story and his pictures with the whole world, because it helps her though, and she hopes that it will help others in the same situation. Photo: MDWfeatures / Justine Zampogna

Read also the history of the 40-year-old mother, who was surprised by how perfect her little son was 14 weeks along in her pregnancy – here she shows the heartbreaking images.