at the Beginning of the year, the University of Bern announced that she has a big project at the Angel. On the occasion of the 50-year anniversary of the moon landing, the well-known Starmus would be in the summer of 2019 Festival come with up to 3000 researchers to Bern. At a media conference in London it was the chief of the city of Berne tourism organisation Bern Welcome, Martin Bachofner, who was given jointly with the University of known.

But now, nothing will. In a media release to a different occasion, the University reported in a subordinate clause, that the negotiations had failed. Instead of Zurich now comes to the kiss on the Hand. Also, the regional journal of Radio SRF reported today about the loss of the prestige event.

for the Festival, competent PR Agency in New York shall, on request, was moved for logistical reasons, the Festival in Zurich and set on the ETH. Bern could not offer the appropriate infrastructure for the occasion, the “Stephen-Hawking-Medal” will be awarded.

In the indoor stadium instead of on the BEA site

The city and the Canton of Bern announced that they support the Festival financially. What is happening now with the resources, is unknown.

The fifth international Starmus Festival was held in June at the Bern Expo. Were provided presentations by well-known astronauts, Cosmonauten, Nobel prize winners and other scientists – which occur now, not in Bern, but in the indoor stadium and the Samsung Hall at Stettbach station.

The loss is for the Berner Research also painful, because the University of Bern wanted to celebrate in the next year, together with the Starmus Festival-50 years of landing on the moon. The University of Bern is in fact the only non-American Institution which was then, in 1969, this event involved. A Team led by experimental physicist Johannes Geiss, developed at the physics Institute in Bern, a solar wind sail, to be able to particles from the sun to capture. Bern is a question of the proper venue for the Festival. (The Federal government)

Created: 19.12.2018, 17:14 PM