MANCHESTER (Dagbladet): Ole Gunnar Solskjær is employed as the manager of Manchester United, and returns to the city that made nordmøringen world famous.

No club can boast to have as many supporters around the world, and the job as United manager entails tremendously with the attention.

Few know it better than Solskjær, who in the role of player and reservelagstrener has already spent 14 years in the club.

SOLSKJÆR: Sportsjournalist at Dagbladet, Øyvind Godø, have followed both nordmannens trenerkarriere and Manchester United over a long time, and think Solskjær has what it takes to succeed in storklubben. Video. Kristoffer Løkås. Pictures: NTB Scanpix. Show more

now he returns being received with joy, skepticism, and surprise among the club’s supporters.

– Need to get the ship on the right course

Solskjærs name resounds regularly out of Old Trafford on match day, and there is no reason to believe that the fans will stop singing about the popular Norwegian now that he is back.

the Banner with “2OLEGEND” has hung on the stands in all the years, something that manifests Solskjærs status as a’s the crowd favourite. For the popularity his has not fallen over the years.

– It is a fantastic idea! I have gone in the stadium in all the years, seen Ole Gunnar play here, and loved him. He is what United need, they need someone who knows the club in and out, believes the local supporteren, Micky.

He is glad to be rid of José ^ the academic degree awarded, and believes the club have long thought about Solskjær as a possible temporary solution.

He must get the ship on the right course. He will get the fans on their side, the players will follow him, and together they will take this in the right direction.

FANS: Ole Gunnar Solskjær get this gang in the back. Photo: NTB Scanpix Show more Sceptical

the Newspaper also met with the United-supporteren Nick outside Old Trafford. He is not as positive as many others with red heart.

– I don’t see the logic. I realize that he is a former United player, but I don’t understand why they go for him when they already have Carrick. He knows the players and has been with them through the entire season. This would have been a perfect opportunity for him to get more experience, ” says Nick to the Newspaper.

Solskjær defies his son’s desire to be Mourinhos supersedes

Although he is wary of Solskjær, however, he’s quite sure that the fans will take to him well the contrary.

They will embrace him. Everyone loves him. It will help to see a familiar face on the bench. It is important that there are people who know the club, he believes, and hope that Solskjær along with other familiar faces such as Nicky Butt, Paul Scholes and Michael Carrick can bring back the passion to the club.

Nick. Photo: Christian Monge Hugsted / Dagbladet Show more – Red cross-through

Even if some are not completely sure that Solskjær possesses the necessary qualities to lead the United, the general mood among United fans positive.

Solskjær wrote themselves into the history books when he decided the Champions League final in manchester United’s favor in 1999. Now hoping the fans that he can provide the new good memories from the managerstolen.

He has a good reputation, a lot of history and a strong bond to the United. Ole was a surprising appointment, but he is red through and through. He can give us self-confidence, lagmoral, and what United is all about; to play offensive football, entertainment and pleasure, thinks Simon, who also visited Old Trafford on Wednesday.

Simon. Photo: Christian Monge Hugsted / Dagbladet Show more

He gets the support of the 61-year-old Clive, who has been at battle ever since George Best was manchester United’s big stjernespiller.

This is good news, for he has played for Manchester United. He will lead us with the heart. He will get better results than ^ the academic degree awarded, and get a wonderful reception in the stadium.

“We’ll bounce back”, is Clives clear information.

There is only one man who can stand behind this