Ghent Monday night was the most eventful city council in years. There was the farewell of mayor Daniël Termont, the announced leave of three aldermen and a pack of councillors, but also the departure of Christophe Peeters. That was last weekend, completely unexpectedly gewipt by a conspiracy within his own party. Peeters received a standing ovation, and praise from friend and foe.

Ships Peeters, it was an emotional evening…

“That applause when I came in, that was last. That I had not expected. But it did make me incredibly much virtue. It shows that people respect what I’ve done over the past few years. And that they do not agree with the taken decision within my party. It shows that there is still humanity prevails in politics. Happy. Paul Goossens of CD&V gave me his medal that he got because he was 18 years in the council sat. I thought that was a wonderful gesture, and a very emotional moment.”

Did you not see this coming?


What would your party do to it?

“I don’t Know. I come from for my opinion, and that is not everyone’s nice. Further, and I don’t want to go into that.”

What are you going to do now?

“I go first and foremost for my people. My staff, my cabinet have a few days before christmas all of a sudden been told that they are in January to start looking for another job. These are all people with families, with children. I want them to turn out well.”

Is the dismissal of an employee Isaline Van De Velde is painful… They came from the cabinet of the death ships, Chantal Claeys, where you are a hot band. Before that she was with Guy Verhofstadt in the Rue de la loi. Chantal Claeys had you on her deathbed asked for her people to ensure. Since then worked Isaline on your cabinet. And it is precisely by Chantal son-in-law Sami Souguir – your place – that Isaline now on the street.

“that’s Right. But what can I say?”

What do you do in the future?

“I must first recover from the emotional rollercoaster of the past few days. Now I can finally make time for my wife, my family and my friends. Time that I never had, because I politics and my party has always left a step behind. In terms of job will I have somewhere to end up. Several business leaders have already made me contacted, if I were in the private sector would like to work. But I don’t know yet. I would first calmly think about it.”

you Got a variety of Open Vld national, to be on the list for the Flemish or federal elections?

“I have Gwendolyn Rutten seen, but it was not about concrete further steps. Who says that a Flemish or national my ambition would be? I know that is not even, I still think about it. If there is already an offer would come.”

You got responses from council members about the partijgrenzen. The appreciation was huge, even from people that you are settled in the clinch. It sounded for example: “With Christophe, I was very happy to disagree.”

“The city council is an orchestrated argument. We are all from different perspectives, and fortunately. None of us has the truth. You can give your opinion, and discussing, but in the end you have a solution or a compromise, to a city like Ghent to control. I will continue to do so, because I am, of course, be elected, and I will so have a seat on the city council. Every councilor that there is, is there only because of the votes that he or she has earned.”

You also got a lot of responses on your last intervention on the budget. That was dignified, serene, and without natrappen.

“Well, that is simply not my style.”

are you Going to sit as a councillor for Open Vld, or as an independent?

“I go to sit that is for sure. About all the rest, I should think. Fortunately, I have a lot of time for.”