Sami flour lake works the other way yle’s expert commentator for cross-country skiing.

He has gathered a lot of praise for their work.

flour the lake combines precise expertise, candidness, and good demeanor.

for Example, last weekend in Davos 15 km free-style race after the flour lake to give yle the feedback Matti , which was # 24 and stayed on the tip of nearly a minute. Heikkinen start to the season has been really difficult.

“Blacky”, said that expected from a former national team guy is better, but the performance was still promising the Tour de Ski I was thinking, when the machine, however, kicked the first five after.

the world cup in terms of more flour lake lay still Heikkinen hope.

– Minute time difference the bow will remain in the three percent range of the total time. It is not impossible to catch up, he said to Yle.

the Above comments are a good example of flour lake direct style, data bank and clear expression.


Sami flour lake was candid already during his career. Jarno Kuusinen / AOP


– it is Not yes it from the direction you heard anything. A large part of the Finnish nykyhuiput of knows me very well. They know that I had the courage to give feedback to already own active years, if I believed that it will be useful, flour lake tell.

a Few years also a coach for example, we Heikkinen Matti with a lot of each other. We went to things together so much through that cooperation drove the national team coaching ahead of me.

flour lake said that the positive feedback is nice to get.

I have my own style of doing things. Great that it has pleased.

Today, your success is however harder to measure. In the past it was easy when you could only see how much bow there is a difference, he told Finland Done for the occasion.

flour lake adds that she give criticism, too. Flour lake is experiencing, that also athletes have to endure it.

– If you can’t take criticism, then you might not want to ski race.

Matti Heikkinen start to the season has been very difficult. EPA / AOP