There has occurred a fire in a car inside a rail tunnel on which is under construction between Oslo and Ski, the enlightened police this morning.

Now informs the police that the fire is extinguished.

“When confirming the fire department that the fire is extinguished and the ventilation system is started up so that the tunnel is cleared of smoke”, writes the police in Oslo for a twittermelding.

Workers were evacuated

– It burns in a car inside the tunnel, the tunnel number three, approximately six kilometers inside the tunnel. The workers have evacuated to a safe space where they have oxygen, says operasjonsleder Christian Krohn Engeseth to Dagbladet at eight on Wednesday morning.

“the Fire department is on the way to the incident location via a parallel tunnel and get into to the fire via a tverrslag”, announced the police on twitter.

Engeseth says that there is no reported injury, and that there is control of all personnel on site.

It is a controversial situation. We are still in the emergency phase, ” says Engeseth.

According to the twittermeldingen the police have sent out emergency services at the site, called Åsland.

“The employees have evacuated to the safe room and should be in safety. The situation is pr. now unresolved”, states the twittermeldingen.