today sentenced an 18-year-old for half the sentence and a 20-year-old to three-quarters of the penalty. The purpose of the reduction has been to take account of young people’s lack of maturity and greater sensitivity to criminal justice interventions.

until to propose a complete abolition of the straffrabatten from the age of 18 years. In addition, it is proposed that young people under the age of 21 years shall be sentenced to life imprisonment.

– Lifetime for young people must be considered as inhumane, think Henrik Tham, professor emeritus in criminology at Stockholm university to the TT.

– It is about american self-perception. You talk a lot about Swedish values. For me it is a Swedish score that one does not judge an 18-year-old to life in prison. There are people who are so young that they are not even allowed to go on sale and buy alcohol because they are considered too immature for it, ” he says.

was set up about a year ago and have been mandated to come up with suggestions on how offenders aged 18-20 can be treated in the same way as older offenders.

the Government’s special investigator Petra Lundh. Photo: Jonas Ekströmer/TT

– the Mission has not been to abolish the straffrabatten but how, says the government’s special investigator Petra Lundh during tisdagseftermiddagens press conference.

to retain the current scheme with reduced crime for young people who have not had time to be adult when they commit a crime.

the Investigation has also analyzed what a discontinued straffrabatt could have consequences, particularly in terms of cost. This would result in an annual cost of between 1.1 and 1.9 billion annually.

the Proposals was submitted to the minister of justice Morgan Johansson (S) of the investigator Petra Lundh at 13 o’clock today, Tuesday.

Read more: Government opens for the lifetime of the 18-year-olds