the number of dual citizens is increasing, is not surprising in an increasingly networked world. Surprisingly, the extent, however, this trend for Switzerland. According to a recent study commissioned by the Federal migration Commission EKM has already Pass today, every fourth Swiss more than one.

For this enormously high rate, according to the study, only partially Swiss immigrant responsible. Although the number of dual citizens in Switzerland has quadrupled since 1996, almost, today, 901’851. Much massive the increase is, however, among the approximately 775’000 Swiss living abroad. Of them, according to the study, 75 percent more than a citizenship. The earliest Figures are from the year 1926: at that time there were already around 200’000 Swiss abroad, but hardly any of them had a second nationality. It is the enormous increase of Dual citizenships among the Swiss Abroad, which drives the overall rate to around 25 per cent of all Swiss.

voting rights through the generations

That so many of the Swiss abroad in their new home for citizenship, indicates that according to the study, the fact that they have integrated there. Nevertheless, they keep in Switzerland for always your choice and right to vote – regardless of whether you have ever lived here or whether they have inherited their civil rights, often over generations. On the basis of these Figures, the authors of the study raise a controversial question: “It would be appropriate to discuss, how long the Swiss nationality of the Swiss abroad, inside and Abroad to subsequent generations,” the authors write.

Joachim Blatter, one of the three authors of the study, justifies this claim with democracy political Considerations. According to the classical notion of the territorial state should determine “those who are subject to the laws, even the laws,” says Blatter. It does not have to mean that the Swiss Abroad will be deprived of the right of the citizen. But on the – so far – is automatically associated with voting rights, you should discuss.

comparison with non-naturalized foreigners

Blatter believes that in the case of Swiss Abroad in the first Generation, the voting is quite reasonable, because a part of them return later in Switzerland. At the latest, in the third Generation there is “barely any good arguments for the granting of the voting right”. In the extreme case, this group of foreign Swiss even a vote in Switzerland to decide, without that you would have ever lived here, says Blatter, who teaches at the University of Lucerne. This is all the more troubling, because conversely, a large group of people in Switzerland – namely, the non-naturalized foreigners could not co-decide.

The Federal migration Commission stresses that the controversial claim is the responsibility of the study authors. However, the question is not relevant, says EKM-President Walter Leimgruber. “It is strange that the Swiss people living for generations in foreign countries, automatically suppresses the Swiss Pass in the fingers and at the same time for people that live for two or three generations in Switzerland, relatively high hurdles for naturalisation set up.” This question should be in the debate, also calls for Leimgruber. In his view, but it would be politically more meaningful way to facilitate the naturalization of people in Switzerland, the Swiss Abroad the rights to take away. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 18.12.2018, 20:22 PM