In the hotel bar of the Ritz Carlton, quite a lot of guests, including many young people frolic. Who is to be inaugurated by the present in Five-star establishment? A Sizzling mood is in the air, similar to a Flashmob.

First, a curiosity: Four seniors mountain in a Bathrobe and rubber Slippers by the chic Bar. The duration of the guests who have come for a Drink in the ground floor? No, we soon find out, the gentlemen are part of a Performance, devised by the composer Neo Hülcker for the Bar of the Ritz. A häkelnde, and wound up auflachende lady and two women at a table at the other end of the room. Every 20 minutes is one of them, strutting to the wings, where the Pianist waits, and warbles a lyrical or dramatic song in a fantasy language, the French, German and Russian Sounds to be a meaning-seeking gibberish squabbled.

is Either played live or from the tape

Some of the guests are visibly taken aback, but most seem to be privy to. Also, Bastian Zimmermann, the curator of this and five other evenings, and is played where an exquisite bar with a newly composed work. In June it was at the Westin Grand los with the series “Music for the Hotel’s Bars”, in September, the Bristol was followed by the Hotel, and the Ritz is the fourth Happening will take place today, Tuesday, at the Waldorf Astoria. 2019 das Stue, as well as the Concorde Hotel am Studio to follow.

carpenter, a young Dramaturg for contemporary music, irritates the social space of the bar, because he is open to all and also the can be achieved that are just randomly there. “We have experienced in our preparations for special situations. Once a Minister came by the Turkish foreign with his Bodyguards velvet weapons. Another Time, Udo Lindenberg was there or the Brazilian national team,“ says Zimmermann.

A closed space and a public place is the hotel bar by your facility, the lighting, the staff and of course the background music. The performing of either the Band or the musician play live. Both variants are designed to ensure the well-being of the guests, without too much force. A General goal is not to define, because every Bar is different. What Flair she possesses? It is a Business or a Wellness hotel? Also, parameters such as the size of the Bar or your location can have an impact on the music.

Full house live music

Functional music that constantly surrounds us in public spaces, has many facets. The famous Elevator music to tide over only the time and the awkward Silence in a confined space. Music in a Department store produces more than a cheerful noise, which, presumably, revenue-enhancing effect has never been demonstrated. And Bar Music? You must be subtle enough for the Background, there to create atmosphere, and at the same time his listeners entertained, if you listen consciously. For played music is, especially live.

For Alexander Doerr, the Director of the hotel das Stue in Berlin, it has a clear advantage: “By a more vivid, gelöstere atmosphere. People stay far more often hang, if you look in the past go to the Hotel.“ It always annoyed a little that not much was going on in the Hotel, when Sundays were left for the guests. Where but here on the edge of the Tiergarten Park, many walkers come by. Since the Sunday brunch, a Band occurs, is always busy.

the pianist Sybille Briner has observed that it is pulling with their performances, guests in the hotel bar, be it solo or together with a saxophonist. She organized until recently, the weekly live music evenings in the Waldorf Astoria and played in many of the major Hotels in the city. “There are regulars, who always come to see certain Duos. Enjoy it to put up in this atmosphere, with a wine in the Bar, aware of the listen and to have close proximity to the artists. The is not reached in classical concert situations, even in jazz clubs.“

An unusually strong interaction between artist and audience

the audience and the artists could communicate a lot more than usual, she says. Guests want the title, may also affect the volume. The pianist is, in turn, on the atmosphere: “I have in my program always the title, I would definitely play it. But it is important to be flexible. If the Bar is very full, I play more pieces that make the mood.“
Or, to dancing which also can be.

The classically trained musician loves this interaction with the audience: “For me, it is always the most Beautiful, if I can fulfill your wishes. If, for example, a Couple comes up to me and the Song of your wedding celebration wishes.“ In addition to the pianistic Briner needs Can, therefore, the ability to grasp situations carefully and quickly. Without vigilance is not a good bar music, but the challenge is to disrupt conversations, but to also entertain those who will listen.

In the near future, Artificial intelligence, bar music composing

“The music from the Band but is actually the more difficult task,” explains Alexander Doerr. “She plays from morning six o’clock, when Breakfast starts, until night three, when the Bar closes. Since you can’t consistently run the same smooth Jazz.“ Adapted to the time, day, Season, weather, mood, and Image of the Bar and the Hotel has The Stue of a Berlin-based DJ various play lists.

Many Hotels use for their music on such lists of service providers, the music specially for hotel bars. “I’ve seen such rigid systems in the past in other Hotels. For a typical business hotel, the rich can, but our Hotel is its atmosphere and location at the Zoo very different.“

change of location. In two converted flats in Friedrichshain is a hand tinkering full of young entrepreneurs and composers of small circuits. Kling to Klang Klong, the think creative Studio for Sound, music and auditory Narrative about the future. Also about the future of bar music. You should namely not only take into account the various parameters of temperature up Image, you must also have a certain recognition value. As the institution. To be able to moment on each shift about the weather or the volume respond, want to work in the Studio with Artificial intelligence: “today, you can capture situations quite accurately,” says Fernando Knof, for the concept of the Studios responsible. “By Tapping into the various Sensors, for example, in the ceiling, and the return time and date grip on information, such as days. The Artificial intelligence can then compose on the basis of a fundamental tone, which provides for the identification of the Bar, all of this information is based live background music.“

No competition to the live music

So no specific Songs, but rather a new, unique, continuous musical – hair exactly on the Moment tuned. “Particularly important is the identification. The music is not to run just as the Easy Listening in the Background, but the edges and corners. When the guests are rubbing a bit on it, the value automatically to a recognition and identification acts, too,“ stresses Knof.

live music will make the Artificial intelligence but it’s no competition. Sybille Briner know that guests also love the visual aspect. “For you, it is a different experience to see how the fingers of a pianist move. The eyes are listening. I realize that people sit there and just watch how I play, or the piano come and watch.“

The Walzerrad spins

The composer of the series “Music for the Hotel’s Bars” write their works and also specifically for “your” Bar and a night, also here the guests can watch the musicians and performers. Parameters such as the weather and the number of guests to play in the pre-composed pieces, of course, hardly a role. The challenge is to maintain the Balance between background sound and konzertantem occurs. To create an atmosphere and to control it. Just for composers of contemporary music, this is an unusual Situation, such as curator, Bastian Zimmermann explains: “Often, certain taboos exist in the productions of New music. Certain frames, such as, for example, Genres may not be to leave.“ “Music for the Hotel’s Bars”, however, requires a well-audible, functional music, asking at the same time, in the hotel bars of familiar music.

If this Tuesday is the next program in the series at the Waldorf hits Astoria in the Bar, the music by Martin Hiendl. The composer has created it less performative than the other evenings. “For him it’s about the music and the length, with the help of which you plays in the Background,” says Zimmermann. For Hiendl waltz of the processed rhythms and turns to be “Walzerrad” about hours, with the musicians from the Ensemble. Sometimes the music is only true if you leave the Bar at the end of the Evening, and the background sound gives way to the sound of the big city. Or the silence.

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world music: Are we seduced secretly?

Hartmut Wewetzer

“Music for Hotel Bars,” this Tuesday, 18. December, from 18 clock in the Waldorf Astoria. Upcoming Dates: 15. January, starting at 19 am in The Stue, 26. February 20 at Concorde Hotel. Admission is free. Info: