It is certainly not hard to find Bjarne Hansen and Käthe Søeballes house in Farum, when the first vintermørket has made its foray into the Danish country.

Their house lights up, so you as a moth driver against the distinctive sight.

The only problem with to find the spot to be, if you accidentally knocked on by the neighbors Henrik and Jane Franck, who has dressed at least as nice.

Henrik Franck and Bjarne Hansen provides the gas with the christmas lights. Photo: Mogens Flindt
Bjarne Hansen has spent at least 200 hours to put all its christmas decorations up.

– We put up throughout november. Last year we went to work, so there went all the weekends with it, he says to Ekstra Bladet.

It all started with a single sleigh on top of the shed for nine years ago. Photo: Mogens Flindt
running the sleigh
Like so many other extreme hobbyister, started Bjarne Hansen in the very small.

– It started nine years ago, where I had a sleigh with a light on my shed. So I thought my neighbor that he wanted to make a light box, which said ‘merry christmas’ and put on his shed.

the Exhibition with the animals is dubbed the ‘Hakkebakkeskoven’ by Bjarne Hansen. Photo: Mogens Flindt
from there it took off.

– Next year we agreed to start in november. We have created the tradition that we invite our families to the first advent each year, where we turn on the lights, he says.

There is no shortage of passers-by, while the Extra Leaf is on a visit with Bjarne Hansen. The lighted houses works almost like a fartbump, for all the cars slow down, while they are rolling over.

Bjarne Hansen has made a udstylling with animals, which is intended for the juleglade children. Photo: Mogens Flindt
But it is mainly the walking of the audience, which warms the Bjarne and the wife in the cold winter time.

– We enjoy of course, that people like the bright lights. The other day the bell rang on the front door, and there stood a mother and her two children. They were very excited about the exhibition and gave us a bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates as a thank you.

– Other years we have gotten letters in the mailbox, which, of course, we have saved, say lysentusiasten.

But the stunning sight that greets passers-by on the Ryttergårdsvej, is neither free in the pockets or in the klimeregnskabet. Therefore, makes Bjarne Hansen is also an effort to ride on the green wave.

– We consider that there is a green omstillingsbølge. To be a little greener, we keep it for the LED light. When we have the christmas lights turned on from 1. advent to 6. January we use about 30 dollars a day on power.

the Train has been in pieces, Bjarne Hansen could luckily fix it yourself. Photo: Mogens Flindt
– I also make sure to try to repair, the things that go into pieces instead of just buying new . If you have a good time, as I have, you can stand and socialize with to make it out in the shed, he says.

When you spend about 200 hours to put his christmas lights up, come to, without doubt, to meet her neighbours and people in the neighbourhood.

According to Bjarne Hansen is the big question every year, ’there comes something new this year?’. And even though it is being tried to hold back, has LED connaisseuren a desire to next year.

the Tree in the middle is Bjarne Hansen yndlingsdekoration. Photo: Mogens Flindt
– I would like to have the current LED lights. It, you can program to do everything differently. I even try to fix it, but it went a bit wrong this year, so I had to throw some of it out, says Bjarne Hansen.

If you do not reach past the Ryttergårdsvej in Farum in the year, can enjoy the 10-year anniversary of the oppyntningen next year, where there is likely to be even more light.