Germany’s need for “a new start-up by politics and the economy” at the climate policy, “otherwise, we sin in the future of the young Generation” – these words do not originate from the Green. They come from the Federal Economics Minister, Peter Altmaier. The CDU-politician said, after in the Polish city of Katowice the climate summit had ended. Properly done, climate protection would create more jobs than they cost, said Altmaier.

The surprised. A few days ago said Altmaier, head of the ZDF, the Federal environment Minister, Svenja Schulze (SPD) could decide, on the climate conference in Katowice, what she wanted. At the end, would decide anyway in the Federal government. This was after Schulze had together with Canada, the Marshall Islands, Ethiopia, and other countries, more ambition on climate protection, however with no concrete.

Fiercely, the former Federal environment Minister Jürgen Trittin Altmaiers criticized statements. The Ministry of economy will choke off the industry of renewable energy in Germany. “If the Federal Minister of the economy, Altmaier, jobs, talks, then I must remind him that, alone in the photovoltaic industry in the last three years, more than 100,000 jobs in Germany are lost, due to its policy.” If Altmaier, head of the wool begin to invest in climate protection, he needed to lie down for a 180-degree turn. “So far, he has understood himself more as a wrecking ball of energy transition,” said Trittin.

In the SPD-led German Federal Ministry for the environment to come Altmaiers words. The house wants to submit to 2019, a climate protection act, because you was pleased with all the support, especially the Minister of economy, said a spokesman for the daily mirror. A little bit of Schadenfreude will be also, finally, Altmaier, his Cabinet colleague Schulze has made life in the past. So-called Schulze several times for the introduction of an additional price on gasoline and heating oil, the emissions in the transport and heat sector is more expensive. Consumers should, however, be in the price of Electricity is relieved. Altmaier had, however, always emphasizes that you can talk about all the instruments, but the price of CO2 is currently not an issue. Also, the majority of the Union rejected it.

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Merkel seems to be for a CO2-levy suddenly open-minded

But the climate conference in Katowice could have changed the Situation. Because even German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) seems to be the topic CO2 levy suddenly open-minded. “All of the proposed Rules will be subject to review within the government in detail,” said government spokesman Steffen Seibert on Monday in Berlin. They wanted to first wait for the work of the commissions for the coal phase-out and in the transport sector. “We will then need to discuss,” said Seibert. The Minister of the environment award is currently working on a concept for a CO2 -. “The important thing is that it is socially structured fair. The lower income classes may not be a greater burden,“ from Schulze’s speaker.

the coal Commission, it is expected the final report for the beginning of February, had designs in the first Text for the CO2-pricing in the transport and heat sector. As a result, the entire energy to be reformed tax system, says the paper. In Altmaiers new climate protection ambitions, the chances would be good that the Instrument is actually. However, the Commission doubts are heard.

You will not take him many promises, actually, says a member of the Commission, because in the past, nothing had come. But Altmaier could prove that, if the Federal government decide in February on the completion of the package of the coal Commission.

In the Union has, however, a very own Interpretation of Altmaiers words. At the request of the daily mirror, the energy policy spokesman of the Union faction, Joachim Pfeiffer commented: “On a restart in the climate policy with a more market and less planned economy, one should think, in fact.” Now, the CO2 price is of course a market-based Instrument, since it sets a price signal to consumers and businesses in their decisions, but leaves a free choice.

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UN summit in Katowice, The new rules for global climate protection

Susanne Ehlerding Nora Marie Zaremba

are arguing While the politics around the strike of 300 students at the weekend in Berlin for more climate protection. And you want to continue, if nothing happens.